Chapter 30

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Aria Pov

I looked at my father who looked like he was going to start crying. He entered the house. Everything was still loud from the chatter and laughter. My dad took steps towards me, I took steps backwards."Aria, you don't need to be scared of me." He said.

"You haven't talked to me in month you cant just waltz back into my life." I shouted. The room became silent. "Can you please leave." I said. He slowly turned around and walked out of the door. I turned aound and saw everyone staring at me, "Im going to put Isaac to sleep in his cot." I said. Spencer handed me Isaac and I headed upstairs. I sat on the chair next to his cot and played with his fingers which where beginning to grip around my finger. A small smile formed on my face.

I looked at the doorway and there stood Hanna, she entered the room. "They did this room up really nicely." She said. I gave a small nod. "You really scared us in the hospital, the room was really loud and then all of a sudden complete silent."

"Oh Hanna Im sorry." I said getting up.

"No it isn't your fault. Im really scared Aria." Hanna said.

"Scared about what?" I questioned.

"Have you not witnessed the last 2 weeks" She said.

"Don't worry...That won't happen to you." I say looking down.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Cause it happened to me, so it is already taken." I replied.

"Is Isaac asleep?" She questioned.

"No" I answered.

"Then bring him downstairs let him continue meeting his big weird and beautiful family." Hanna said. I did as Hanna told and brought Isaac downstairs. "I guess he doesn't want to go sleep" I said to everyone. I handed him to Mrs Hastings who was eager to hold him, and then faced Hanna who was behind me. "What im I mean't to do?" I asked.

"Just chill, hang around, cause after this is over he is going to be crying and crying." She said.

"I thought you were sick." I said.

"Don't tell me you really believed that, we just needed time to get this ready." Hanna said waving at Spencer "Now go to Spencer she is calling you."

I walked to Spencer who leaned in to give me a hug, then followed by Emily. Life was pretty good now. I wish I could just stay in this moment. Everyone I hate is no where to be seen and Im surrounded by the people that I care about and care about me. Riley walked towards me and gave me a big grin. "Hey, guys do you mind if i steal her away from you?" He asked the girls.

"Yeah sure." The girls said. I walked with Riley outside to sit on the pourch and when I turned back to the girls they were making kissy faces towards me which made me giggle. "You really scared me you know, when I found out you where in the hospital." He said.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"I was getting coffee and some girls behind me were talking about it" He replied. "So I have to get going, Im really happy you and Isaac are okay. If you need absolutly anything just call me okay."

"I dont have your number." I said.

"Dont worry I left it on the fridge." He said getting up, he gave me a small kiss on the cheek and left. I turned around and someone had been fidling with the curtains. I quickly walked into see the girls trying to act casual, I rolled my eyes and then headed towards the kitchen. The girls followed behind me. As Riley had said his number was left on the fridge. He had used the number maganets. I grabbed my phone and then copied the number down. "What is this?" Emily asked.

"His phone number." I mumbled.

"Riley and Aria sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Hanna sang with Spencer and Emily joining in after.

"Stop it guys, your creeping me out." I moaned. There was sudden cries coming from the living room. Isaac was beginning to cry, I took him from Emily who was holding him. "Mum, is he hungry." I asked rocking him back and forth.

"I think he is." She replied.

"Can you hold him while I get some formula together." I said.

"Lets go into the kitchen." She said. I walked into the kitchen with my mum following behind me. "Aria your going to have to breast feed him."

"What, No...Do I have to?" I said.

"Yes Aria you do. You haven't even given it ago." She replied.

"But Im not ready, and it will hurt" I argued.

"Aria" she said in a stern voice.

"Fine." I said taking Isaac upstairs.

When I came back downstairs everyone had left except for the my friends and the boys. I left Isaac upstairs because he fell asleep. "You guys didn't have to stay." I said fidling with my fingers. "We wanted to." Emily said.

"Caleb, Toby you don't have to stay." Hanna said.

"Mike there is a room upstairs if you want to stay over. Cause its kind of late now." I said. He gave me a little nod and then headed upstairs. "So day 1 over." I said slumping into the chair.

"How does it feel then?" Hanna asked.

"How does what feel?" I questioned.

"Everything..." Emily said.

"Well..Breast feeding kills, Giving birth... I'll pray for you guys, Thinking Isaac was dead really hurts more than anything, holding Isaac is amazing do I have to go on." I said.

"Now your scaring me." Spencer said.

"Guys I'm actually kind of tired, I think im going to go sleep. Do you guys want to stay over." I asked.

"No thank you I don't want to wake up to crying baby 3 times tonight." Emily said.

"Yeah me neither." Hanna and Spencer said at the same time.

"Okay then bye guys, see you soon." I said. Each of the girls got up gave me a hug and then left to go home. I went upstairs into Isaac's nusurey. The room was perfect. I went over to Isaacs cot and he was fast asleep. "You really scared me you know." I whispered stroking his little baby hair. I grabbed a chair and placed it next to his cot. "I hope your an easy baby." My mum walked into the room and stared at me. "Don't hope for it." She said. "Babys are really hard to deal with, I think you should get some sleep."

"But what if something happens." I said.

"You have the baby moniter in your room Aria you don't have to worry."She said. "You getting no sleep won't help him or you."

"Okay than." I replied getting up.

"He will be up in 2 hours anyway" She said. I walked out of his nursurey and went into my room. I opened the door and the room was set up perfectly, It was just like my old old home, the pictures place above my desk. The wallpaper matched everything, it was perfect. I opened the wordroable and there was already my clothes nicely set up. I grabbed my pajamas and got changed then slowly drifted to sleep.


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