Chapter 31

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Alison Pov

I woke up in the morning and went downstairs to make breakfast. Grace was still asleep. She got the flu so we were unable to see Aria yesterday. I grabbed some toast and a glass of milk. I went back upstairs and saw 3 messages from the girls.

'Is Grace feeling any better today.'

'Are you going to be able to hang out today'

'How are you doing?'

I replied to all the messages and was all of a sudden jumped by Grace who had climbed onto me. "Hey Gracey are you feeling better today?" I asked. She gave me a small nod. "Can..W..We go outside today?" She asked. "Sure we are going over to Aria's house to see her baby." I replied. "But first you need to get changed and have breakfast." I got Grace changed and headed downstairs with her. I grabbed a bowl and poured some ceral into it with so warm milk. I placed it on the table in front of grace and let her eat it. The door bell rang. I wasn't expecting any visitors. I slowly walked to the door and peaked through the window to see who it was. Jason. I quickly opened the door. 

"I didn't believe them when they said you were back I had to check for myself." Jason said with amazed eyes.

"In the flesh." I said sheepily. Jason entered the house and gave me a hug. I couldnt remember the last time I hugged Jason. Me and him were always distance and kept ourselfs to our self. "Oh I want you to see something, but don't get angry." I said. He gave me a small nod. I lead him to the kitchen where Grace was sitting. His eyes grew wide. "Whats her name?" He asked with a croak in his voice.

"Grace Dilarentis." I said. Grace looked at Jason and she hid behind me. "Come on Gracey, he is uncle Jason." I said picking her up. "Oh, you..your brother." She said. I gave her a nod. "How does she know im your brother." Jason asked.

"I have pictures on my phone of you lot, I told her if we ever came back then I would let her meet everyone." I replied.

"If you had a phone, how come you never called us." He questioned.

"I had been attacked by someone and just managed to live and escape. I wasn't going to call anyone especially you. You would have killed me for getting knock-up." I answered. 

"You could have explained or called the police." He said.

"If you knew as much as i know about rosewood you wouldn't trust anyone." I said.

"Where is mum and dad?" Jason asked.

"Mums at work and i dont know where dad is." I said. "Okay Grace do you want to go to Aria's house now." She nodded and then I put her down to finish her breakfast. 

"Do you want me to drop you off."Jason offered.

"Yeah sure. Let me just grab our jackets and text Aria to tell her were on our way" I said. I went upstairs and grabbed our jackets from the chair. I ran back downstairs and put the jacket on Grace and my jacket on. Jason was still staring at Grace intensely. He must have been wondering who the father was. I picked grace up and we left to go to Aria's.

We got to Aria's house, it took us about half and hour, cause of traffic. Once we got there we were let in by Spencer. Me, Jason and Grace sat down waiting for Aria to come downstairs with Isaac. After 10 minutes Aria came down with a little bundle in her hands. 

"Hey glad you could come." Aria said.

"Sorry I couldnt come yesterday. Grace felt a bit under the weather." I said.

"Is she Okay?" Aria asked.

"Yeah she's fine today." I said.

"Im sorry can I see the baby." Jason intruptered.

"Yeah sure." Aria said handing Isaac over.

"Whats his name?" I asked. 

"Isaac Montgomery." She anwsered.

"Thats a really nice name." Jason said.

"Mom..Mommy I cant see." Grace said sucking her thumb.

"Okay do you want me to pick you up." I asked. She gave me a small nod. I lifted her up, she gazed at the baby and didn't blink. After an hour Jason left. Isaac had gone to bed. "I have a question Alison, How did you do it?" Hanna asked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Take care of her for two years and not have any problems, like where did you stay." Emily replied pointing at Grace.

"Wait...Do you want to put her down upstairs, she is sleeping?" Aria asked.

"No its fine, she has nightmares alot ever since we came to rosewood, so she stays with me at night." I said. 

"I had my fake IDs and money which I had been saving, there was this theater in new york and when the owner left for trips he let me look after it. In return he left me and Grace stay in one of the apartments upstairs and gave me £100 every week to pay for food and things. There was a nusery just across the theater which I enrolled Grace into from the morning to 5 in the afternoon." I said to the girls.

"I never saw you as the mother type, I always thought you would marry some millionaire and then just travel the world and become a model or something." Spencer said.

"Me too" I said.

"Who is her father?" Emily asked.

"It was someone in Cape May. We dated the whole summer until I had to leave." I anwsered. "So Aria how do you feel." 

"I'm so tired and as you can see this house needs to be cleaned I havent had the time, Isaac is up all night and up all day crying." Aria moaned.

"The perks of being a mother." I chuckled.

"We can help you clean up a bit." Hanna said.

"No guys, don't worry I'll get round to it soon." Aria said.

"Nope, lets get started." Emily said hopping of her seat.

"No guys dont worry." Aria said.

"Nope come on might is well help you out." I said. "Is there anywhere I can leave Grace."  

"Yeah follow me she can stay in my bed, Mike left his things in the guest room." Aria said getting up. I followed Aria upstairs, with grace in my hands, she was starting get big making it harder and harder for me to always carry her to bed. I layed her into Aria's bed and covered her with the blanket. I kissed her on the forehead and then whispered "Im just downstairs, keep the nightmares away." 



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