Chapter 21

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"WHAT!" Aria screamed "No he left with malcom."

"It was him Aria. I have seen him thousands of times im sure of it." Hanna said trying to convince us.

"Try calling him and see what he says." Emily said. Aria grabbed her phone from the desk and searched through her contacts for Ezra. She called him and waited. "Its gone through to voicemail." She explained.

"He knows that Hanna probably told you." I said.

"STOP HE ISN'T A" She shouted.

"What other explaination is there?" Hanna asked, while me and Emily tried to calm her down. Aria got up covering her ears and continued repeating the same thing..."Ezra isn't A, Ezra isn't A, Ezra isn't A....."

"Aria calm down, Listen to me Aria calm down." Hanna screamed. Hanna got up and blasted out some music. "Hanna I don't think that Aria wants to dance" I shouted over the music. 

"Well..A can hear us, we have to make sure they don't hear our plan." Hanna said.

"What plan." Emily said.

"Okay, Call Ezra and when you eventually reach him tell him you want to talk to him about something important. Then get toby to make out with Emily."

"Im GAY" Emily cried.

"Whatever...To make out with him near where Ezra is with Aria if we get a message then Ezra is A." Hanna finished.

"Thats not going to work." Emily complained.

"If you get a message, Ezra A if not he isn't" Hanna said.

"Thats actually smart Hanna." I exclaimed.

"Wait..What if he asks about what i want to talk about." Aria said.

"Dont worry he will see the bump." Spencer said.

"Oh yeah." Aria said clutching her stomach.


Aria Pov

I woke up and looked at my phone it was Ezra. He agreed to meet me at 10 o'clock at the brew. I woke up and had a shower I got changed and went downstairs. I wrote a note and left it on the counter so the girls knew where I was.

I made my way to the brew and went inside. Ezra was sitting inside I walked up to him. He turned around and his eyes widened. He stood up and came towards me. "Aria...Your pregnant." He stuttered.

"Yeah..." I said. "Cut the crap.. Why were you at Hanna's house."

"She told you." Ezra said looking down.

"Don't act like your suprised im pregnant, you already new that." I screamed.

"I didn't know." Ezra said.

"Explain." I said.

"Okay...I left with malcom then I got a text, saying that where ever I go they will hurt malcom, or I can join them so I joined them. Then I found out that malcom wasnt mine and maggie took him and left. I tried to get out of the team, but they wouldnt let me." Ezra added.

"What were you meant to do at Hanna's house." I asked.

"Nothing...They just wanted to make sure I would do it." He said.

"Why did you do it?" I questioned.

"Cause they were going to kill you." He said looking down.  I got up and made my way out of the brew Ezra grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Aria wait. The baby is mine I want to be part of his or hers life."

"You can't...Just leave, don't come back and leave me and my friends alone." I said. He let go of my arm and made my way back to Hanna's house. We I got back The girls were awake except Spencer who was sleeping in.

"Hey...Where have you been?" Hanna asked.

"I met Ezra." I replied.

"What... How about the plan?" Hanna asked.

"I just went straight up, he joined the A team, malcom is gone and he was at hannas house just to prove he would break in. And he only did it cause A said they would kill me." I explained.

"WHAT" They both screamed.

"Then I told him to leave and never come back." I said fiddling with my hands.

"Im sorry Aria." Emily said.

"Me too." I added.

"Wait.. Doesn't he want to know your child." Hanna asked.

"Yep..But I won't let him." I anwsered.

"Why?" They questioned.

"Cause he would have probably hurt us more if I didn't confront him today." I said. They came up to me and gave me a hug.

"Whats going on." Spencer said rubbing her eyes.  I looked at Spencer and then said "Ezra is working with the A team......



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