Divorce Time

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We've been wading in the riptides reflecting on the oceans blue facade. Watching the wind pick up the sea and throw it back into the water. Until it curls over in pain and despondency. You can find our love at sea; voids in the depthless gravity.

Keith eyed Kaya, his eyes furrowing with suspicion as he realized the truth.

He pointed an accusing finger at his wife, "You're fighting with Corey! ," he sighed satisfied, "ha nothing gets past me" he laughed.

Kaya let go of the breath she was holding.

Corey rolled his eyes. "Damn detective you know everything! God forbid one of us kept a secret from you" he said sarcastically.

Keith smiled proudly turning to Ben for the first time, "Excuse me Sir, we don't need towels" he said waving a dismissive hand.

Keith turned back around to the officer, "are we done now? please my wife and I are on vacation" he stressed as he wrapped one arm around Kaya's waist.

Ben blinked for a minute staring at Kaya as everything sank in. He quickly turned away and headed back towards the dining hall of the ship.

The officer nodded skeptically, "I'll have a few conversations with my superiors, and we will be investigating this matter more clearly. However, since the victim is not available I will let you guys enjoy the night" he grunted as he put away his notes.

Keith kissed his wife, "Now, what are you and Corey arguing about?" he asked.

Corey quickly spoke up, "Nothing, I was just being confrontational. I had a few too many drinks" he shrugged shyly.

Keith also had a few drinks and overall was feeling light and breezy with merriment, "great mystery solved" he burped.

Kaya grabbed Corey's hand tightly, "I'll make sure he gets back to his cabin safely and I'll have a conversation with Nana" she said sternly.

Keith looked slightly disappointed, "what am I going to do?" he asked.

Kaya shooed him away, "talk to one of your employees" she stated quickly dragging Corey along.

Corey reluctantly followed her persistent pull. He knew what was coming next.

"How could you?" Kaya screamed as soon as they were out of Keith's earshot.

Corey shrugged embarrassed by his behavior, truly revenge was beneath him, "You have a good man at home K, why are you doing this?" he asked softly.

Kaya looked down at her wedding ring, shined and polished without a crack, "I know" she sobbed. "But I'll never be good enough for him" she hiccuped.

Corey hugged her, no matter how wrong his friend was he loved her. True friendship wasn't about finding someone perfect but someone who accepted all of your flaws and loved you for it regardless.

Kaya had been Corey's friend for a long time. She had supported every fucked up phase of his life, even when he started to do heavy drugs. So maybe Corey could forgive her one more time.

"I'm sorry" Kaya wailed hugging her best friend.

Corey sighed, "I thought that inviting Ben on this trip would make us even. This was suppose to be payback for those hurtful words you said to me. The truth is revenge always makes two graves and by the time I realized that it was too late. I don't want to be like you Kaya" he sighed, "I don't want to hurt the people I love because I'm miserable" his words were soft but hurtful.

Kaya looked down at her feet ashamed. There were dry blisters under her eyes from crying to long and too often, "I don't want to do that anymore" she said firmly.

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