Corey & Nana

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Several of my readers have expressed how much they ship Corey and Nana so as a thank you! I wrote a mini story about "Corey & Nana's Adventure" aka CNN. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️❤️

Corey groaned as Nana handed him a blindfold, "really? I know it's my birthday but I don't do surprises" he complained.

Nana grinned poking him, "just wear it you Strawberry Shortcake!" she barked.

Corey gasped opening his mouth widely, he was shook "well damn you dusty bag of bones. I see you throwing shade!" he teased.

Nana had nicknamed him Strawberry Shortcake because Corey had decided to upgrade his weave to a vibrant red mane that touched the bottom of his ankles like  a horses ass.

Corey who was flamboyantly gay and proud of it had decided that today was the perfect day to wear a nude leotard with a shimmering black tutu over it. He glittered from head to toe and even had a crown on his head.

Corey put the final touches on his outfit by looping a sash across his chest that said, "BIRTHDAY BITCH!"

Today was his birthday so he had decided to get his nails done, eyebrows on fleek, and makeup slain by the gods. He wasn't fucking around as he spent the whole morning screaming in LA traffic at innocent bystanders, "BOW DOWN BITCHES!"

Furthermore, Corey had agreed to let Nana take him out for his birthday and surprise him.

"Fine!" Corey huffed stomping his red bottom shoes into the ground, (Which were really red bottom sandals.) He had taken a regular pair of chanclas and painted the bottoms red with hair dye.

Nana, on the other hand, was dressed like she was going to a baptism study hosted by her hometown church.

She wore a conservative pink two-piece suit with stockings that went all the way up and over her stomach pouch. As well as, matching gloves and a Good Sunday hat.

Since Nana was naturally bald, she had decided to wear a short black wig with curls attached to the scalp. It looked like something an old aunt would mistake for a creature.

The taxi pulled up and Nana and Corey got in.

After putting on the blindfold Corey sat impatiently in the car, "Now, you know I don't do shrimp. My stomach will be deep sea diving at the bottom of the toilet shooting out torpedo's" he explained crossing his legs like a lady.

Nana grinned flashing her new set of dentures, "no Doritos I promise" she laughed crossing her fingers.

Corey groaned this was going to be one hell of a birthday he could feel it.

Corey felt the temperature change as he allowed Nana to guide his blind ass into a building. It smelled of smoke and chicken wings, and he could her trap music playing above him.

"Bitch you took me to your senior citizen cult? The DDD? Which stands for dead, dead and deader?" Corey asked.

Nana stifled a giggle as she pulled off the blindfold, "strip club!!" she chanted happily.

Corey's smile dropped as he recognized the building. He quickly dragged Nana, "uh nuh we got to go!" he said making a dash for the door.

Four gentlemen all dressed in black suits came up to Corey. A fine ass man with grayish brown eyes and Asian features spoke, "Where you going?" he asked smoothly as he held a blunt in between his teeth.

Nana looked around confused.

The man extended a polite hand to Nana, "Quamere" he said introducing himself.

"What do you mean? I'm here!" Nana asked shaking her head. She had mistakenly heard, "come here".

Corey belted out a loud obnoxious holler, "Naaah that's his name! His dumb ass parents named him that because they thought it would help him be cultured" he explained rolling his eyes.

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