[43] you're right,

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Lafayette leaned back on the chair in the room Alexander had called his for the past few days. He recalled the time he slept over at their house for almost a week when the Mulligans were in Ireland. Of course, he did stay in Lafayette's room then.

It was a nightmare to try and keep Jefferson and Hamilton from fighting every other second. But now it seemed to have changed.

And now it seemed that that was the exact reason he was called to a meeting in the first place.

"Alex, mon ami?"

Alexander looked up from the floor he'd been staring at for what seemed like an eternity.



"What do you do when you like someone?"

If Lafayette had been eating a baguette he would have choked on it.


"And what do you do if...if it's a guy?"

Lafayette had never seen Alexander Hamilton so insecure about his love life.

Hamilton had his issues, sure.

But Hamilton had this thing where he was sure he could get anyone anytime. Girl or guy.

Hold up.

Did he just say it was a guy?

And even if he did; why would that be strange?

He was literally the only heterosexual there; aside from maybe his mom. And Burr?

In this group, the straight guy was the odd one out.

Lafayette laughed to himself.

"What?" Alexander asked gloomily.

Lafayette looked at Alex.

"Alex, how bad do you like this...person?"

Hamilton bit his lip slowly.

"Like on a scale of one point sixty seven to..." Alexander started but was cut off by Lafayette.

"No numbers, measure in love."

Alexander scoffed.

"That's cheesy as fuck."

"So am I, how much do you like him?"

The Frenchman smirked

There was a slight pause before Hamilton spoke barely above a whisper.

"Like a shitload."

Lafayette's smirk endured as he started thinking of who it could possibly be.

Was it someone he knew?

Maybe, someone, he knew well?

Or not well?

Maybe he had a crush on Laurens like Laurens had a crush on Alexander when he first found out he was gay.

But he had a boyfriend though.

Who was single and gay around there?

Well shit.

Lafayette's eyes widened.



"This person you speak of, does he happen to speak French fluently and have an incredibly handsome brother?"

"Laf you're describing yourself," Alexander chuckled

"No, I'm desc-you just called Thomas handsome!" Lafayette exclaimed, nearly jumping out of his chair in joy at the revelation.

"Fuck, did I do that?"

"Laf, sit down please."

Lafayette followed the orders but his smile persisted.

"I don't know what to do, there's no way someone like Thomas would like...me."

Lafayette had another revelation.

Thomas liked Alex.

Alex liked Thomas.

He went to Princeton for God's sake, he was supposed to be a bit smarter than that.

"Mon ami, I'm not going to say a lot but I want you to go right now, I want you to go into Thomas' room. I want you to tell him how you feel and no matter the response I want you to,
what's the word?
You know.
The word.
The one with the uh.
And the.
You know."

Lafayette's usual hand gestures didn't help.

Hamilton blinked a few times.


"Look, Alex, whatever, Qui n'avance pas, recule."

Alexander smiled.

He remembered Thomas telling him only a few days ago how Lafayette told him everything.

Did that go both ways?

Did Jefferson, really like him?

"You're right."

Lafayette smirked again.

"I know."

583 words



so I haven't uploaded in like a week? Longer?

a while anyway

well hey new chapter yayy




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