Chapter 1 ♡

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[Yoona's POV]

"Sica yah" I cried bawling my eyes out.

"Hmmm? What happened my baby girl? Why are you crying so hard?" Sica asks me worriedly.

"W-We broke up unnie 😭" I said sobbing.

"You what?! How did this happen? OMG I'm coming over" She shouted over the phone.

Sica unnie then hangs up. After a few minutes, Sica unnie was standing in front of house and she was sweating all over her body. Well, unnie was having a date with Kris oppa, but still I'm happy she actually cared about me and left Kris oppa alone.

To a surprise, we moved to a bigger house. My parents bought us one and I asked Sica unnie to live with me and asked Taehyung to move out of his dorm and live with us.

As unnie types in the password and unlock the gate, I ran to hug her and bawled my eyes out.

"It's gonna be okay. Let's go inside and talk about it" Sica suggests.

As we reached inside, unnie made me sit on the sofa and she took a glass of water for me to drink to calm myself down.

"Could you tell me what happened now?" Sica unnie asks.

"During the 1st year of dating, we fought too many times. I saw him with a girl being lovey dovey and he said it's just a misunderstanding. He then ignored me for days. After that ignoring problem, we fought again. It was so extreme that we didn't even text each other. After the incident, our opinions became so different. I just don't understand him anymore" I sighed out of frustration. "That's how we came to the break up stage"

"Hmmmm. I'm sure he'll regret it afterwards. Yoona should trust unnie. The person who could only understand his mind is you, Im Yoona. When he can't find someone who understands his mind, he'll miss of you. He'll come running back to you"

"But unnie, I think this will be the last time for us"

"Do you still love him?"

"I do. A lot"

"Then ignore him even if tries to talk to you. Be cold"

"I don't think I can do that"

"Try. It will give you a good result. BTW, did Taehyung know about this yet?"

"I don't want to tell him. He'll get furious and hit Sehun"

"He'll find out soon or sooner. Remember, you guys attend the same school. He's used to seeing you with Sehun and when he doesn't the next day, he'll be suspicious"

"I'll tell him then 😪"

"Oh wait. I nearly forgot. Don't we share the same house as Taehyung? But seriously, I'm really glad your parents bought us a house. Wait. Why don't you tell Taehyung tonight when he arrives home? I'll be with you"


"Just do it. As your brother, he should know about it"

"Sure then. I'll tell him about it when he gets home"

After discussing our matters, Sica unnie cooked dinner for me and Taehyung.

After awhile, Taehyung arrives home with Irene.

"Noona, I'm home" Taehyung's shout that can be heard all over the house.

When he came in, he immediately sat on the dining table together with Irene.

"Noona, did you cry? Why are your eyes so red?" He asks as my pupils started to shake. I was so nervous I didn't know what to say.

"Why don't you tell him now as we're already gathered?" Sica unnie said making me more nervous than I already am.

"Hmmm? What happened?" Taehyung asks and took a glance at Irene cluelessly.

"T-Taehyung, I hope you don't get angry when I say this" I said stuttering.

"What is it noona?" he asks curiously.

"I-I broke up with Sehun" I sighed stuffing my mouth with food.

"What?!" Taehyung and Irene said in unison.

"Did you ask to break up or did he ask you?"

"I asked him to"

"I was about to curse him. How dare he hurt my noona?!!!! And it's my one and only precious noona"

"Why did you say the word unnie?" Irene asks.

I was so weak I couldn't answer their questions so I made Sica unnie explain everything to them. The 2 got so furious that they cursed Sehun so many times.

"Ah noona!!!! Seriously. He should know you well enough. I thought he loves you so much, but it's you who loves him too much. Ughhhhh. I wanna beat him up so much" Taehyung said unable to control his anger.

"Taehyung-ah, just let it go. Just let him be. Lets forget about the bad things. You two should never fight understand?" I tried calming Taehyung down.

"B-But noona, he's hurting you so much. I can't bear to see you being hurt like this. It hurts me too" Taehyung said holding his tears.

It's the first time I saw Taehyung almost crying. And the reason is he treasures me so much. He loves me a lot. I'm glad I have a little brother to lean on during my hard times.

"So, let's get ready to sleep. Ah right. Irene, why don't you spend the night here. We have a spare bedroom" I ask.

"Oh yes thanks unnie" Irene thanked me bowing 90 degrees.

"You don't have to. I'm doing what a sister-in-law should do" I said teasing Taehyung and Irene to make Taehyung smile.

After the chuckles, everyone was happy and so was I, but as I walked into my room, I started remembering Sehun again. The times we spent together. Our first kiss and everything. 😪 Obviously we can't turn back time. And tomorrow I have to deal with him too. Ughhhh wait. He's my seat mate. Damn it. Could I hold in the tears? Whatever. I'll just act normal like what Sica unnie said.

After the thoughts were filled in my head, my phone started ringing. I glanced at the screen, and yes, I forgot to change Sehun's name. BUT, wait, WHAT?!! He's calling me? I was hesitating whether I should pick up or not, but in the end, I did pick up.

"Hello?" I asked in a polite tone.

"Why do you always accuse me? I didn't cheat on you. Aish. It's you who made our relationship become like this!"

"Oh Sehun! Are you drunk calling me?!!!"

I then ended the call and turn off my phone. Because I couldn't sleep and kept thinking about why Sehun called me when he was drunk, I remembered that people say if you count the sheeps until 100, you'll eventually fall asleep. While counting, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier until I fell asleep...


"Oppa. Did you know Sehun and Yoona broke up?" Sica talks to Kris on the phone.

"Hmmm. I just knew about it. I'm here with Sehun drinking. I think i'm getting drunk now lol" Kris said.

"Hmmm. Oppa don't drink too much. We have school tomorrow. Tell Sehun not to drink a lot too because Imma shout at him tomorrow for hurting my best friend!" Sica shouts.

"Honey, Sehun is hurt too. Let's just give them some time. If they're meant to be, they'll get back eventually. Why don't you sleep? It's getting dark. Go to sleep quickly"

"Hmmm araseo. Bye babe. Love you. You should go and sleep too. Just leave Sehun at the living room alone. I'm pretty sure he can handle himself"

"Hmmm I got it. Bye babe"

Sica then hangs up and went to sleep.

Can a broken couple get back together? ➵ [Yoona & Sehun - Yoonhun]  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now