Doctor Donatello!?!

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To my luck we were in a hall far from other's eyes by the time I blacked out so it was easy to hide the fact from other's of what happened to me, when I woke up a damp cloth was on my forehead while on a bed to see April at my side sleeping at the moment I smiled to the fact that she watched over me as I rested from what happened but I knew that she and the girls would ask questions after they see that i'm now awake and all of that "You might feel slightly dizzy but other then that your good to go" turning my eyes towards the voice I see Donatello walking over to my bedside as I didn't say a word to him at the moment making him simply sigh to me for now "I understand you don't want to talk about what happened, but you need to report this to the principal, miss Renet already claimed that you were insulting her with Mona and he needs your point of view in the situation" he said making me roll my eyes.

"I will see to that myself" principal Maro walked over to my side making me watch him as he sat down beside me "Care to tell me what happened?" he asked making me tell him in great detail of the incident making him nod at times "It would seem that miss Timeless decided to lie about all of this to keep herself safe" he said making me nod to him, he walked out leaving me with Donatello in silence at the moment making me look away from him as I then wait for April to wake up so we can then leave, but instead I had to realize just then that Donatello was there in the infirmary watching over me meaning that he worked here as well he moved away making me sigh in slight relief knowing he was leaving me alone at the moment but the thought of him and his brother's coming over to see me made me know that it would be to bother me about not going to speak with Leonardo last night.

Instead April woke up just as Alo and Mona came in to check on me, they were relieved that nothing bad had happened when I passed out as I then explained to them of what caused me to end up here in the first place, while not even caring that Donatello could be listening in on us at the moment "Well at least now we know why you fainted, but we don't know how to make it not happen again" Mona said making me nod as I stood up from the bed slowly to then leave the infirmary to get back to our dorm since the day was almost over right now, when we got there the girls decided that I should rest for the day and let them cook for now making me accept as I didn't want them to get mad at me for forcing myself to do something when I should actually be resting at the time.

"Is there more to being a half breed like you?" April asked as we were in our room while Mona and Alo cooked for us as they wanted me to be watched so to make sure I don't do stuff I shouldn't be doing while resting, I decided to explain to her the basics of my kind first so to at least let her understand a bit about me while the others worked on the meal as she could then tell them everything when they come in "We also have certain limits with foods, spicy foods are a thing that we can't eat, sure some people believe it from stories but there not true, we also can't handle strong smelling foods like old cheeses for example as they result in making us sick" I continued as the girl's came in giving April the chance to tell them everything I told her while I ate my spaghetti with Alo next to me as April and Mona barely ate while talking and listening to what I had told April.

"Anything else?" Alo asked making me nod as I then went into our traditions "We are known for fighting, it's our way of knowing who is the leader and or strongest in our tribe, it's also a popular style of fighting that many people wish to learn but because we don't like leaving for the city or towns people need to come to our village to learn and train with us" I said making them nod "If you guys want during break hours I can teach you guys our fighting style" I suggested making them all nod to me as they were excited to start, I told them the best outfits to wear due to our way of fighting and another story "Female's need to show skin like stomach and legs, it's to show the male's that we can be sexy even when learning to fight making them tempted to dating us, while those who don't show skin only tell the male's that they don't want to train and simply be lazy" I said making them nod to me.

A knock on our door made Mona stand and answer as it was just her, me and April since Alo turned in for the night "Hello, I came to see how miss Lessard was doing as my brother told me she had fainted" the sight of Leonardo there made me want to gag on him but I had to keep that thought away and control myself "I'm fine, now you can leave" I said and went to take a quick shower without even waiting for anyone to say anything, when I came back out Leonardo was gone but Raphael and Michelangelo were now there holding what looked to be bags with sweets in them I accepted them kindly and they then left making me sigh as I saw another bag on my bed "Leonardo left it there for you before leaving" April said as I saw more sweets making me sigh and put them all away before we all went to bed for the night.

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