Being safe

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He was drained, tired and weak making me realize that when we slept it was the first time since after I went missing he slept making me feel bad for him, I gently went to hold his face in my hands as tears ran down my face slowly "It's alright, I only wanted to have you back into my arms" he said simply making me still cry from his condition at the moment "But because of me you became like this and I should have been more careful" I replied making him look at me with sad eyes as he then holds me close as he then got me out of the bath to help get me dry.

"Please get some rest and get better, we can go get my things now but then I want you to rest" I said making Leo smile and nod to my request "If this puts your mind at ease then I will do as you wish" he responded making me smile as my lips then landed on his own making me close my eyes and moan in pleasure as he then rubbed himself for a moment to then drop down and then push inside of me, I moaned in pleasure as he began to move deep and hard inside of me as the only thing I could do was wrap my arms and legs around his body to keep myself close to him at the moment.

A knock on the door made us stop as we turned to listen at who it might be "Leo? Come on dude we gotta go!" Mikey said making us stand up, I went to get dressed in some clothes he had for me to wear at least for now while he went to the door to answer Mikey at the moment "We're almost ready Mikey, will be downstairs in a moment" Leo replied and then closed the door making me walk out for him to nod to me as we then left to get to Raph's car to get going back to the college to get my things at the moment before going back to Leo's place where I would be safe at the moment.

Once arrived there, Donnie got out with me just to be sure that I was safe at the moment as I would go get my things "If you see anything or anyone that might harm you or that caused you to be where you were let me know" he said making me nod and follow him towards the dorms I stayed in as I then went to my room to get my bags, once inside I got to work on getting my bags and slowly packing my things to then get going back to the car with Donnie helping put them away as I then got inside to sit beside Leo simply to be a bit safer "There things weren't there, the men who bought them must have brought them to pack their things before taking them somewhere" Donnie explained making me gasp in fear.

Leo turned to me and wrapped his arms around me as his way to show me comfort and protection "Nothing will happen to you, will make sure they are back and that your safe" he explained making me nod to his words as I trusted him, we all got back to his place as Mikey got to cooking dinner as it was late at the moment for lunch making me smile to the kind gesture as Leo brought my bags in his room before joining me, Donnie and Raph on the couch to wait and rest a bit "Should we begin working on a plan to find at least where they might be at the moment?" Donnie asked making us all look at him "It would be a good idea to do so" Leo replied making him open his laptop and get to work.

Mikey came over with a pot and some bowls before going back to get some spoons for each of us making me smile at the stew he made for us, we each enjoyed the meal and I relaxed as I leaned into Leo's body feeling better from all of this at the moment "Do you want to get some rest?" he asked making me nod as I went to his room to get some sleep with my body landing on Leo's side of the bed as he then joined me moments later as he was getting tired while his brother's slept on the floor or couch "We can start working on other things tomorrow" he explained making me nod as I then went to sleep.

Morning came and all I could think about was the anger Alo sent to me in waves when it was only the two of us, I had a nightmare of the person who trapped me in the library making me sit up in the bed and turn to look at Leo who was still sleeping at the moment making me know that everything was alright at the moment which I then sighed in relief as Leo moved to wrap his arms around my waist giving me some comfort at the moment "Is everything alright?" he asked making me turn to see that he was actually awake at the moment but he was simply not opening his eyes "I just had a nightmare" I responded making him open his eyes to look at me in slight surprise to what I had just said to him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked making me look at him for a moment and then looking at the window "I'm not so sure about talking about it right now, not that I don't want you to know but more like I just don't feel ready to speak of it" I said making him nod to my answer as he understood what I meant, he then tugged at my waist a bit making me understand what he wanted making me smile and join him once more by allowing him to hold me in his arms as he once more went to sleep making me slowly go to join him in the dreamworld.

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