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Leo said it was for the best to try and not be out too much and to try and do our regular routine here, it was hard for me to do just that because I was scared of being found at the moment, Raph called saying that nothing was stolen simply moved around almost to be like a warning or something but he wasn't sure of it but he and others would take care of cleaning the place up for us making Leo say to be careful and to make sure no one followed them making Raph agree and then hang up.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, but I was focused on what was going on outside at the moment to hear him at all "Jas?" he asked as he placed a hand on my shoulder making me jump and turn to look at him, he moved a bit back from the way I looked at him in slight fear from him making me jump "Are you alright?" he then asked making me look down and outside once more "I'm scared" I answered as he nodded and sat next to me slowly "Do you want to talk about it?" he then asked making me slowly look at him "When do you think your brother's will come see us?" I asked so to try and change the subject.

"I'm not sure, for now we all need to lay low until we can tell it's safe for them to visit" he answered and then turned to look at me "Now do you want to talk about it?" he asked once more making me lay my forehead on the window as I look down... Wondering about April and if she was safe right now "I'll go make us something to eat" he said and stood up to get to the kitchen making me wonder if Karai was behind all of this like I thought, for some reason... I felt the need to contact my parents to know if they had some news for me, I went towards the phone as Leo cooked and dialed the number quickly and waited for someone to answer.

To my luck it was my mother and she had good news "She's in China, the man who bought her wanted to sell her body to others so he could get back the money he spent on her and then he would kill her. We got her out and he got arrested, will bring her here and care for her before bringing her back to New York" she explained making me nod as I then hung up and turned to see Leo watching me "April was in China, she's going to be in my village for now to heal and then be brought back to the city" I explained making him sigh in relief before going back to the kitchen to cook.

When he was done cooking I was laying on the couch trying to get some sleep, but for the last few days since we got here I have nothing but nightmares making me fear what would happen next to me and who was after me right now, Leo came over to let me know that he was done cooking making me slowly sit up and then follow him to the diner table, I only poked my food and not because it was bad or anything but really because I wasn't all that hungry to eat anything for now and i'm sure Leo was getting worried about me because of that and all really "Jas, what happened? Please tell me" he pleaded but I stayed quiet.

He slowly stood up and went to my side to turn my chair so I would face him and then lifted my head so I look at him, he looked sad at what was happening right now "Come on, let's get to bed" he whispered and slowly lifted me into his arms as I watched him as he carried me to our bed, he then set me down and was looking down as he was over me at the moment as he slowly nibbled my neck as I blush and let out a moan of pleasure as he looks at me "Please talk to me, it scares me to no end knowing that something is making you be like this" he explained making me start to cry as I wrapped my arms around his neck "I'm sorry" I whispered as he stripped me and pushed inside my inner walls.

We climaxed together with a moan of pleasure before I looked up to him "What happened?" he asked as I closed my eyes before opening them to look at him "I'm scared of what might happen to me if this person gets me" I explained making him nuzzle me gently, he once more lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bathroom to start a bath for us making me smile to him as he did so at the moment, once the bath was ready he gently set me inside and joined me in moments later "Let's simply relax for now and then get back to acting like normal people" he said making me nod as he began to wash me slowly and carefully before I did the same to him "I understand, I just don't like the fact that someone doesn't want me to be happy" I explained making him nod.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me as I then closed my eyes with him doing the same moments after I was doing it, when I woke up the next morning, I noticed that Leo wasn't there making me wonder where he was, I got out of the bed and went to see on the dinner table some breakfast and a note making me look to see that it was from Leo simply telling me that he called Mikey to give him a ride to the supermarket simply to be safe and that he should be back soon, I sat down and began to eat my food to then place the dishes in the sink and then go to the couch to watch some TV until I fell once more asleep.

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