Christmas with Hamato

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With how little cold it was today, I decided to fly to my sensei's home/dojo, he was waiting outside for me and smiled when he watched me land before him "Tadaima" I said in japanese making him smile and walk over to me "Welcome back my child, please come inside" he said as he hugged me for a moment before we did, he got me to sit down at his tea table as he got me something to drink which as usual was a mug of hot chocolate making me smile and thank him as I make his tea from the tea set he had already set on the table making him smile to me and my actions "Would you like me to start preparing our meal? Or if not i'll go get myself ready" I said making him nod to my room making me do the same and take my things to put everything away.

I got to work with putting away my clothes first as it was my natural first task to make, I remember having at first a hard time trusting Splinter when he brought me to his home but now I only wanted to care for him "Child? My friend Yoshi is coming with his wife and sons to stay here for Christmas and new years" Splinter said from my bedroom door "Alright then, i'll go to the store and buy what we need" I said but he shakes his head "I have already gotten everything" he said making me smile and nod to him as I finished up putting my things away, taking my phone in hand I walked to the kitchen, April wanted to have a group chat once everyone was set up making me simply be in the kitchen as I wait for the request.

As I was chopping up some vegetables my phone beeped, April was requesting a group chat making me smile and accept and wait to hear someone talk to me "Hey!" the three said making me giggle "Hey girl's can't look cause i'm cooking" I said making them whine at me as I giggle yet again, taking the chopping board I push the veggies into the pot for them to cook as the soup "Sorry but I gotta cook for eight mouths" I said making them shut there mouths making me giggle "It shouldn't be hard with how you feed four mouths" April said making us all laugh at the comment "Yeah well, a friend of Splinter's named Yoshi is bringing over his wife and four sons, since we don't know much about them I have to go with what I got" I said making them go quiet yet again.

I got the oven started and worked on a few other things then just the soup "So April... How's it going over there in Hawaii?" Mona asked making me giggle, April showed from her phone a bit of the beach she was at right now making me feel jealous of her right now "Hey, isn't that one of Jassie's bikini's that April is wearing?" Alo asked making me look and smile, April wore my white spider styled bikini where many strings were on the outfit almost as if a spider attached itself on you "It looks nice on you, keep it since it makes you look sexy as fuck" I said making her smile and give me a thumbs up to my comment, it was as I put the main meal in the oven that the doorbell rang making Splinter go to answer as I went back to work and spoke to my friends "Sounds like there here" Mona said making me nod to her "Should go well... I hope" I said as I finished the dessert and placed it in the fridge.

Once it was all done I decided to get over to the dojo to get it cleaned up for if the guests wanted to go inside "This is father's dojo, I need to clean it up if the guests come in here" I said "But... your dad's a dragon... right?" Alo asked as I set the phone so they could see me and the tree inside the dojo "Yes... My dad is a dragon but Splinter is also my father... it's a long story actually" I said "We got time" Mona said making me nod "Alright... I left my home when I was seven and landed in New York on a cold and rainy night. I was cold, wet, tired and hungry and each time I passed near a place someone would take me in... their thoughts were just full of raping, drugging or even selling me for slavery" I started to explained to them "I ran into an alley, where Splinter walked in as he was going to his home for the night. He saw how I looked and invited me to his home" I then said making the girls keep quiet.

"He brought me to his home and went to start a bath for me, he said he would put my clothes to the wash and would get me something to put on until there dry, the whole time as he cared for me I couldn't hear his thoughts for some reason, he left me in the bathroom as he makes me something to eat making me wonder what was going on... once I got out I went around the place to find this very dojo, Splinter came in with some soup for me... as I ate he spoke to me about the weapons and other things before telling me he wished to train and care for me as his daughter... I cried at that and accepted" I finished as I worked from one weapon to another as the girls were quiet for a moment "It's amazing how things turned out for you" Mona said making me nod "Yeah, if I hadn't meet Splinter that day in the alley... I might be dead or across the country right now" I said.

"And this here is my dojo, my adoptive daughter is in here cleaning up so it's best not to bother her, she still lives with her birth parents but since she goes to college she needs a home close to it" Splinter said from outside the room as I looked over the katana I finished polishing and smiled as I finished and put it away before going to finish in cleaning the dojo, the girls all hanged up because they had something to do making me smile and listen to some music as I cleaned up the dojo making me smile as it was nice and clean like I wanted making me walk out "Sensei! I finished cleaning the dojo. If you need me i'll be in my room!" I yelled as the silence told me he heard making me smile and go to my room "It's good to see you again, Jasmine Lessard" my eyes widen as I turned to look behind me as I see the four Hamato brother's as I then realized something.

Hamato Yoshi's sons are my annoying teachers!!!

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