Meeting Hamato Yoshi

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This was just great! My four annoying teacher's were staying with us and now I had to suffer with them maybe bothering me the whole time i'm staying here! with a groan I got to my bed and looked around my things for something to wear, even though the turtle's were there... I had to be presentable to Yoshi and his wife as then I remembered the kimono Splinter bought me as a gift for getting into college making me smile as I pulled it out from my closet making me feel excited for wearing it in the end today, I got myself ready by showing the facial markings from being a dragon and decided against showing the ears and anything else as I walked out to get to the kitchen to finish up cooking the meal.

 I had to be presentable to Yoshi and his wife as then I remembered the kimono Splinter bought me as a gift for getting into college making me smile as I pulled it out from my closet making me feel excited for wearing it in the end today, I got my...

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Once in there I couldn't hear at the moment Splinter and the others talking... but from there breathing I knew they were in the room in the hall but not which one so I went to work on cooking the meal further and then slowly getting them ready to serve everyone, I wouldn't be eating with them sadly... it was tradition in my kind that when you stay with someone and they have guests that we take care of what we know and when they eat we do the same in another room are at another time... Splinter knew this already for I had to tell him that the last time he had guests over.

"The food smells delicious... and I see you decided to dress yourself" Splinter said as he walked into the kitchen to get another tea set "Here father... this one is big enough for the seven of you" I said making him nod to me sadly as he knew "You will at least greet them... will you not?" he asked making me giggle "If I wasn't... I wouldn't be wearing your kimono gift or showing my facial marks" I said making him smile and then nod to me, as I got the hot water ready Splinter got the tea leaves in his tea pot making me smile to him "You go on and sit down with them, i'll bring your tea in and present myself before I leave to train in the dojo" I said making him nod and do so.

As the water got ready I made sure to have the desserts ready and set before pouring the hot water and then taking the tea set in the main room to see my french teacher next to the man I believed to be Yoshi "And you must be Jasmine... my wife told me she had you in her french class" Yoshi said making me nod "Indeed she does... and I couldn't ask for any better" I said making Shen smile to me as I bow "Forgive me for being so sudden but now I shall leave you all be... please enjoy the meal" I then said and left the room "She is a dragon who has the tradition of leaving the meal to the guests and the one they stay with" Splinter said as I went to my room to quickly change and then went to the dojo to train a bit for the day until they were done eating so I could clean up and eat.

 please enjoy the meal" I then said and left the room "She is a dragon who has the tradition of leaving the meal to the guests and the one they stay with" Splinter said as I went to my room to quickly change and then went to the dojo to train a bi...

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Taking off the coat and setting it near the wall of the door and then pulling out my katanas I got into my usual stance to train, it was rare that I train like this... but when I do I just feel freed from the things that I go through at times that make me suffer, closing my eyes I go through my katas slowly and with elegance making me smile as I remembered once father telling me that I looked like I was dancing when I do this making me keep going slowly as I forgot where I was and felt like I was back home at the moment "Push your shoulders in" I turned and glared as my eyes changed to the dragon eyes towards Leonardo, he and the other's had been watching me and right now he decided to correct me in my katas "Leonardo... she was doing just fine" Yoshi said as Leonardo looked to him.

"With her shoulders out" he said making me feel a growl roll in my throat just waiting to be released, Yoshi looked annoyed at this and Splinter sighed "I have trained my daughter since she was only seven... she has trained and adapted to superior lessons at the age of twelve... not once had she needed me to correct her in the katas" father said making me relax as Leonardo turned to him "Well then... Mikey go against her" Leonardo said as his youngest brother stood and faced me "Very well then... no weapons only use the skills you know with your body" Splinter said making me realize he hadn't said I couldn't use my dragon side that he trained me in using.

"Hajime!" he then said making me close my eyes while in my stance as I wait for Michelangelo to make the first move, nothing was said as I waited and when he moved my eyes snapped open, my left hand took the edge of his shell... my right held the top edge of his plastron as I flipped him on his plastron... his left hand held behind his shell by my own, his right arm pinned by my left foot while my left knee pinned his neck in place and my tail was out as it held down his legs making him unable to move anymore "Yame!" when the word was spoken I turned in an instant back to normal human me, took my coat and left for my room as father told them he never told me I couldn't use my dragon form making me smirk.

Once in some nice pj's I smiled on my bed as I went to read a book that I had yet to read or bring to college making me smile, there was then a faint tapping sound at my door making me go and open it to see a little baby girl there giggling and babbling at me, another thing about my kind is that we never leave children behind... so I slowly picked her up and took her on my chest to my bed as I read a bit as she looked and touched my hair and glasses... and slept with me at some point in the night.

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