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When morning came I felt much better from yesterday, with that in mind I looked over to my schedule for the day and saw I had no classes for the morning but only in the afternoon making me smile, I went through my things and got my training outfit and got it on while thinking that the roof would be the perfect place for me to train at the moment as I then moved to leave a note for Mona and April so they know where I am at the moment when they wake up, once there I got to my stretches for now before I start training in the style of my kind, as I moved my body with the stretches I felt eyes stare at me as I notice April, Mona and Alo who were also in training outfits watching me "Just follow my lead and then we can start in doing Maytchi Qwu" I said making them nod.

Maytchi Qwu is the name of the fighting style of the dragons, it is both respected and loved by many with the honor and glory of using it claims to those who use it for the good of others but sometimes people would use these skills for evil and my kind would have no choice but to make them forget and make sure that those who were told forgot as well so to be safe of the person to never remember again, they followed my instructions as I went in different positions as eyes were still on me as I ignored them and kept going with my training with the girls for the morning as they too did not have classes for now, we did at times take breaks making them smile and we talked about anything and everything at the times before we went back to training making us smile as we kept going little by little before I looked at the time "Sorry girls, but I need to get going for class" I said making them nod as I took a quick shower and then got dressed and went for my class.

Alo soon followed as we had history together now making her sigh as she didn't notice it until I left and told her through thoughts making me smile at her as we sat down at our seat making me smile to her as we chatted while students walked into class, the sight of Karai walking into class and glaring at me simply made me focus on Alo and not care about the glare as Leonardo walked in the room making me simply look away and try to shut his mind out from my own at the moment as I didn't want to hear him at the moment at all with how annoying he was with wanting to talk to me about who knows what "Today, I want you all to make a research about your family name, look it up to the oldest time they were alive and next week we will show them off" he said making us all nod as me and Alo worked a bit together on the search making us smile at how well things were going.

When class ended I sighed as I had no other classes for the day while Alo had another making me need to get back alone since Mona and April had classes now making me stay in our dorm room without anything to do for now as I saw the bags that were left for me, I decided to look into them as I had nothing else to do at all for now making me sigh and groan to myself at the same time I picked them up and set them all on my bed and went for Michelangelo's first to find a few things to use for painting and drawing making me sigh as I already started to hate this a bit as I took Raphael's as there was only things for me to wear while in class with him which made me throw the bag in the air and let out a breath of fire that burned them so bad that nothing was left not even ashes.

I turned to Leonardo's bag and knew that what ever could be in there I might end up burning the thing like for Raphael's bag making me remember Mona needed to know this when she comes back later on, opening the bag I found to my surprise a novel by Kiera Cass of the Selection making me wonder why he bought it for me as instead I set it away and went to getting a bit of sleep for now as I was getting a bit tired at the moment, moments later I was shaken awake by April as she and Mona got back and had made diner for tonight making me smile and nod as Mona came in to check on me while I told her of the contents of the three bags as she became angered on the second one I opened up "He really doesn't know when to leave younger girls alone" she said making me nod.

When April came back in with our food I smiled and thanked her before eating the food, Alo came in later on with her own plate but she looked slightly bothered about something but I decided to keep quiet right now as I wasn't sure what was wrong and simply didn't want her to get worse because of me right now, after we ate and cleaned the dishes we all went to bed making me wonder further about Alo and what was wrong but I just couldn't sleep with the feeling of someone calling for me, I decided to go to the roof in the end to meditate on the voice calling to me right now only to smile when I was deep in and saw who it was "Hello sensei" I said making him smile at me for answering his call "Hello my student, I wanted to know how you were doing so far in college that I simply needed to speak with you about it" he said making me smile as I then told him what happened since I arrived.

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