Cruel torture

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I opened my eyes tied to a chair, I had no idea as to where I was or even what happened, as the last thing I do remember was getting inside the library and going to get what I needed before waking up in some dark room, it made no sense as to how this all happened but I knew something was up and that someone planned all of this to happen to me and maybe only me "Hello? Anyone there" I turned to look beside me to see April "April?" Mona asked from my other side "Guys?" I asked as I saw Alo next to April waking "What's going on?" Alo asked confused making me shake my head.

"And here they are at last the last part of the tour of my store! Our four finest and only available women!! But these one don't come cheap like you would think at the moment" a man said as I thought to my friends to act like they were still out "What do you mean 'don't come cheap' for these girls?" another man asked as the first one spoke "They are three times the price of the other girls you saw since these ones are mutants!" a light turned on making us wince at how bright they were as we couldn't even see the two men "Ah! That red head looks very meaty~! I'll take her now" the second man said as then April yelled to be let go of and that she wasn't a toy, but no one was able to help her as the room went dark and silent "Are we... Being sold?" Mona asked as I began to cry.

"Those four new teachers must have been Karai's last try... By getting them in and then once each of us were alone they captured us so we could be sold to men and used as wores" Alo explained as I cried more in fear of what would happen to us "I wanna go home. I don't like this, i'm scared, i'm hungry and I don't understand how I got here when I went to the library!!" I whimpered as the two try to calm me down at the moment as I began to fear for April and the things that could be done to her at any moment from now, time went on and we were growing hungry as we also didn't know what was going to happen next to us until the lights were turned on making us me gasp as the door was opened and steps were heard "The fox is cute... The human looks weak... The lizard will do good" a men said as Mona screamed as she was pulled out.

"Alo... What will happen to us? Are we going to be killed or something at some point?" I asked in fear, she was quiet at the moment making me worry that something was wrong "I'm not sure... We might be sold to some men at some point" she answered making me try to link myself to father in hopes he could figure something out at least... Then I sent a message to Leo through his dreams in hopes he knows still that I will always love him even if we become miles apart later on, I looked over to Alo as she glared towards me as I didn't know why "If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't be here. If you hadn't gotten in the college we would still all be there!" she yelled making me yelp as my chair tipped from the cry I made in fear that Alo would attack me as she had tried to.

More time passed and we still didn't get any food, I had become so weak that I didn't react when the light came on so two men could come in to see us at the moment... Alo on the other hand just wanted to kill the man if he buys her "Fox has fire in her eyes... I like that very much as she might last longer than the last one I payed... I want her" the man said and just like that Alo was gone... I was alone and would maybe die here in the end without being able to do the things that I love, I decided to use the last of my energy to send a message to father and tell him to do a few things for me as I was slowly dying at the moment from the lack of food and water, I think he tried speaking to me but I sadly slipped away before I could hear anything he had to say.

I opened my weak and heavy eyes as I saw the room light up as two blurry figures appeared before me "Are you sure? She's so weak now that were actually planning on ending her and simply leaving her corpse on the street" a man said "That's because you don't feed her!" a second man said "Either way you made her so weak that no one wants her, take the money I offer or let her rot" the second man said before I felt a thug making me feel I was being moved at the moment, I blacked out moments later as I no longer had the strength to keep awake... But I did open my eyes at some point in some car wondering where I was going before turning my head to the side and then blacking out.

When I truly opened my eyes without a problem, I was looking at a cream colored ceiling, i'm not sure where I was but I knew that someone bought me... And I had to obey to him no matter what, very slowly I sat up from the black couch and was surprised at how familiar the room was to me at the very moment as the sound of steps made me turn towards the kitchen and my eyes widen at who it was "The police should be here soon to ask you some questions but your father will be here first to see you and how your doing. But for now food and rest is what you need" Leo said as he walked over to me with a tray of food as he wore a suit at the moment as I began to cry in joy as the torture was about to end.

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