Chapter 3: Barriers To Entry

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Crash Site Bravo
Blue Base

Yang and Tucker do squats, while Team RWB and Washington watch them. Obviously, Yang was doing much better than Tucker.

Yang: 256! 257! 258! 259! 260!

Blake: I don't think I've ever seen Yang train quite like this.

Ruby: Yeah, she does this every time she thinks she's getting fat. I think her record is 742.

Weiss: Impressive.

Team RWB turns to look at the struggling Tucker.

Tucker: 60! 61! 62! 63! 64! 65! 66! 67! 68! 69...

Tucker stops doing squats.

Washington: ...Tucker, you can't keep stopping on 69.

Tucker: No! This time, my legs went out.

Washington sighs.

Washington: Come on.

Tucker: Ohhoh, Holy Christ! I haven't been this sore since that bachelorette party on Bourbon Street.

Washington: You want me to believe you banged an entire bachelorette party?

Tucker: I want you to, but really the groom just showed up and cracked three of my ribs.

Washington: That's what I thought.

Tucker: Why do we have to train so much? We never had to do squats when Church was in charge.

Washington: Exactly. I'd say you three have fallen out of shape, but generally in order to fall out of something you have to be in it first.

Tucker: Hey, that's funny! You should try comedy Wash. Why make one person miserable, when you can work over an entire room?

Washington: Alright! Time for sprints.

Tucker: Fuck you!

Washington: I want five laps around the canyon.

Tucker: Die in a fire.

Washington: Six laps, around the canyon!

Tucker: Hey! Why isn't Caboose and (L/N) down here? Shouldn't you be making them do the same stupid shit as me?

Washington: I think Caboose is having one of his... off days. I asked
(L/N) to help him.

Tucker: Oh...

Inside Blue Base, Caboose looks at a mirror, while you look at him from behind.

Caboose: Sigh. Groan. Oh, woe is me. Oh, I don't know what that even means.

(L/N): Still standing in the corner, Caboose?

Caboose: Oh yeah, Yeah, I just... yeah, I just miss Church sometimes.

(L/N): I know you do, buddy. He was our leader for a very long time.

Caboose: Yeah, I am just... I, I'm just so lost without him! I... I don't even recognize my own face!

Caboose looks at the mirror again to look at his new Mark VI helmet.

(L/N): Well, you don't have your old helmet anymore, Caboose. Also, your helmet and face are not the same thing.

Caboose: Oh, god, that explains the blinking contest.

Caboose walks towards the ledge.

R(WBY)ed vs Blue: All's Fair In Love And WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora