R.I.P Monty...

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Sorry if you thought this was an actual chapter. Just thought that I should do this.

I feel like I don't need to remind anyone of the tragic incident that happened on this very day three years ago, since it changed Rooster Teeth forever. I remember first hearing the news about it, and it still brings chills down my spine everytime I think about it. He was taken from us at a young age, but he did many great things in those short years. He was an amazing animator (and dancer), and an even more amazing friend to everyone at Rooster Teeth. He changed Rooster Teeth to what it is today, and we will never forget him for the amazing content he provided for the company.

We love you Monty, and if there is a God, I know you're having the most intense DDR dance battle with him. We miss you. Rest In Peace, you've earned it.

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