Chapter 4: Heavy Mettle

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Crash Site Bravo
Blue Base

You run into a room, encountering a computer terminal once you enter, and you walk up to it. Penny appears.

Penny: Press the yellow button.

You press it, and the translucent screen appears. and plug in Penny's scroll in an empty slot. You then enter Penny's A.I chip into the computer. Penny appears on the control panel as the computer screen opens up the interface shown on Penny's scroll.

Penny: Hmm... Interesting...

(L/N): Interesting always means something bad. What'd you find?

Penny: Oh no, it's not bad! I have been able to access my scroll, but due to being in another dimension, I cannot get a signal. However, I am able to download my offline files, but it will take time.

(L/N): How much?

Penny: Approximately 23 seconds.

(L/N): That's fast.

Penny: Well, that is because time goes 205 times slower for an A.I than a human.

(L/N): Woah, really?

Penny: Yes. And... the downloads are complete!

You pull out Penny's A.I chip and insert it back into your helmet.

(L/N): What were the files about?

Penny: This.

A small screen holographs itself out of your helmet. The screen showed blueprints to a sword, and you recognized them to be Penny's weapon.

(L/N): Isn't that your weapon?

Penny: It would seem so...

(L/N): ...Hmm. You thinking what I'm thinking?

Penny: The crashed ship does provide enough resources... And I do think it is high time I start to teach you how to fight.

(L/N): Well then it's settled...

The holographic screen disappears.

(L/N): We're going to build your weapon.

Caboose, depressed, walks across the canyon.

Caboose: Depression. Loneliness. Confusion. Slight indigestion. Oh Church... I miss you so much! Who is supposed to be my best friend while you are gone?! Tucker?! That guy isn't even a shade of blue! It's like an... aqua.

A sound occurs in a cave next to him. Caboose looks over to the sound's direction.

Caboose: Hello? Um... Who's there? Tucker is that you? (L/N)? Agent Washington? Hello!

Caboose's words echo through the cave.

Caboose: Oh, that was just me, that was stupid.

Caboose yells to the cave.

Caboose: Have a nice day!

Caboose's Echo: Thanks, You too!

Caboose: Well, I am a very pleasant person.

Another noise is heard. Caboose walks over towards the noise.

Caboose: Okay, me, you can cut it out now! This is getting a little silly.

Caboose spots something on the ground.

Caboose: Hello...

Washington instructs Tucker next to another tunnel.

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