(A/N): Talk 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Hey, all. Sorry about this not being Chapter 18, but I just wanted to update you all on a few things, since it's been nearly 2 months since my last update. Good news! Recently, I've been able to focus more on writing Chapter 18 more than I ever have in 2018, so I'm pretty happy. Bad news. I'm not. There's this one thing that always pulls me away from my writing every single time I try to focus on it, so I want to work on myself to get rid of this distraction. However, unfortunately, this will shift my attention to something else that isn't my writing, which undoubtedly will delay the release of Chapter 18, which I'm incredibly sorry about. But, hopefully, once I get this distraction out of the way, I should be able to finish the chapter in no time. If you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask. I will try to answer as best I can.

P.S. I wonder what Rooster Teeth will do with Qrow after the whole Vic thing. My best bet is that they'll do what they did with Ren and Mercury and get somebody else to be the new VA for Qrow. Or maybe they'll just kill him off. Hopefully not. Who knows? Maybe they'll surprise us and actually go through with it.

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