Chapter 18: Fire

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(A/N): Kept you waiting, huh? After nearly one long year and a half, this chapter is finally released! Hopefully, this whole year and a half of silence thing never happens again. And sort of a warning, if parts of this chapter seem like they were rushed, they were. I've said before that I believe in quality over quantity, but I've delayed this chapter long enough and I really wanted to just release this chapter to finally get it over with. You have been warned.

Wash fires his rifle. The bullet hits one of the Fed soldiers next to Locus, and kills him. The other soldier begins to fire back.

~ Keep Moving - Trocadero ~

Washington: Get to cover!

Wash charges forwards, and the Reds and Blues follow. You, Grif, and Tucker rush towards the barricade and begin to fire back. Simmons and Sarge dart behind the Scorpion tank, firing their weapons as they get to cover. The Federal Army soldiers rush forward. Immediately, Penny begins to manipulate her swords, folding them on top of itself. The sword's gun barrel now showing, Penny begins to fire beams of lasers upon Team RWBY. Quickly, Weiss points Mytrenaster into the ground and summons a large glacier in fronand t of her team, covering her and her team from the lasers. However, the beams start to quickly burn through the ice. Acting rapid, Weiss summons another glyph under them, which pushes them up onto the glacier's flat top. The beam rips through the ice, which quickly evaporates into steam. The steam rises, immediately covering Team RWBY's line of sight. Not giving them time to strategize, Penny sends multiple of her swords towards the the glacier's cliff, each embedding themselves across the glacier. Penny begins to move backwards, attempting to bring down the glacier. She uses her remaining swords to fire upon the steam, hoping to hit them. Lasers flying around Team RWBY, Weiss summons a black glyph, and motions to Yang. She nods, and jumps on it. Weiss pulls it back, and aims it towards the direction the lasers are coming from.

Weiss: Now!

Immediately, Yang fires her gauntlet at the same time Weiss releases the glyph. The combined forces sends Yang at in incredibly fast speed towards Penny. Yang reels her fist back, ready to deliver a devastating punch at whoever was at the other side of the steam. Reaching the end of the steam, she locks eyes with Penny, and the latter realizes what the former is trying to do. Penny uses her swords to imbed themselves into a rock behind her, pulling her away from Yang. Yang's fist hits the ground hard, letting out a tiny shock wave. She turns to the direction Penny jumped away to, locking eyes on her again. Penny brings back her swords from the rock and sends them towards Yang, only for them to be blocked towards the ground by her gauntlets. The swords pierce the ground, cable still connected to Penny. Yang notices this, and quickly grabs onto the cable, and begins to pull on it, bringing Penny closer to her. Penny tries to cut the cables, but due to it being too sturdy, gets no results. Yang continues to pull, and once close enough, Yang fires her gauntlets, sending her fist speeding into Penny's stomach. When she hits, she fires another round, sending Penny flying away. As she flies back, Penny sends out two more swords from her backpack. The swords hit rocks, burying themselves into it. The swords stop Penny as she twists herself to land feet first into another rock, still suspended in air. Using the momentum of Yang's attack, Penny flies forwards back towards Yang, leaving a crack in the rock as she does. Yang holds her hand up to protect herself, and Penny lands on her arms. Still using whatever's left of the momentum, Penny jumps away from Yang, sending her away, turning the tables. She recovers and turns to Penny, who has sent her swords towards her, but they're all shot away with expertise before they even get close to Yang. They both turn to the shooter, turning out to be Ruby aiming Crescent Rose, with a little smoke trail coming out of the barrel. Yang uses the distraction to try to hit Penny, who dodges it. Penny trips Yang, kicking her down onto the ground as she's mid-air. Keeping her foot on Yang, Penny turns her attention from Yang to Ruby. Using the distraction, Yang fires her gauntlets, sending her away from Penny and knocking her to the ground. As Yang slides along the ground, she propels herself upwards from the ground, and lands on her feet. Penny kick ups, and lands. She remembers the sniper, and quickly manipulates her swords into a shield behind her, just in time to block a sniper bullet. She turns around, expecting another sniper shot, but is presented with the sight of Ruby now speeding towards her. She manipulates more of her swords to her, before sending them towards Ruby. Ruby dodges them by moving left and right, jumping onto one of them and then jumping off of it. Taking out Crescent Rose once more, Ruby swings down towards Penny, who manipulates several swords in front of her, blocking it. The swords and scythe spark as they connect.

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