(A/N): Talk

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Hey, everybody. I know, it's been an entire year since I last updated this story, and I am deeply sorry for keeping all of you in the dark. Originally, I had planned to explain myself during the beginning of Chapter 18, but instead I'm going to pour it all out in this update to finally get it all out of the way and get it off my chest. First off, no. I have no plans of discontinuing this book. I very much want to see this book written to the end so I can finally get onto the other books for this series, especially one I am very excited about, and I think you all will too, that will be kept under wraps until it's release. Secondly, I am incredibly sorry, again, for not replying to any of your comments asking if I was okay. After writing Chapter 17, I just began feeling really lazy when it came to updating. I would procrastinate for weeks on end, which led to a very unhealthy cycle of procrastination that would lead to me to feel extremely sad. School wasn't helping much either, in fact, it did the opposite. It kept stressing me out day after day after day, and once I had time to update the story, I was feeling incredibly tired and just said that I would work on it tomorrow, which led to my cycle of procrastination. This would happen almost daily. And that's how I became so lazy, that I couldn't even respond to all of your simple comments asking if I was okay or if I was alive, because I just felt tired, and that's on me, trust me, I know. However, although I do know I still want to update this book, I don't know when I will, because I still feel extremely tired when it comes to editing the chapters. Hopefully, that day comes soon. And lastly, I just want to thank all of you for accompanying me through this small little journey of my life. I wouldn't do any of this, if it weren't for your continuous support. Thank you so very, very much. I hope you all understand.

P.S: Is it just me, or is new layout really fucking weird?

P.S.S: Sorry if this feels a bit rushed, it was just something I felt I needed to get off my chest, and I had only just thought about this idea less than an hour ago.

P.S.S.S: Happy early Valentine's Day. Spend it with your loved ones, even that body pillow of yours.

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