Chapter 11: Worst Laid Plans

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Crash Site Bravo
Blue Base

Inside Blue Base, all Blue Team members, along with Simmons, stand next to each other as Freckles stands opposite.

Tucker: This is it. This is rock bottom. You ever hit rock bottom before, Wash?

(L/N): Well, he did have an A.I go completely insane in his head and five him memories of being psychologically tortured that later lead to him getting revenge and being thrown to jail.

Tucker: Jesus, Wash. Have you considered therapy once we're rescued?

Washington: I'm fine.

Tucker: Well anyways, you've hit it again. 'Cause this is it. Can't get any lower.

Simmons sniffs.

Simmons: I wanna go home.

Tucker: Okay, well, maybe I spoke too soon.

Freckles: Attention. Officer on deck.

Caboose enters.

Caboose: Yes. Yes. Hello, thank you yes, hello. Thank you, you're welcome, yes thank you. Hello!

Freckles: Captain, all team members are accounted for.

Caboose: Well, excellent news, Assistant Captain Freckles.

Tucker: Oh my lord.

Caboose: Hi. It looks like we have a new member today. Yes. give Simmons a big Blue Team hello! Yes, welcome to Blue Team, Simmons.

Caboose claps.

Simmons: Can I leave?

Caboose: It is good to have you on board today for the Blue Team.

Freckles: Sir. Awaiting mission briefing.

Caboose: Oh, yes, right, oh God, right yes. Um okay uh... Yes. First order of business is t-um... uh...

Caboose turns to Wash.

Caboose: Wash. Psst, Wa- Wash. Washington, Washing- Washington, Wash. Wash, Wash, Wash-

Washington: Yes, Caboose?

Caboose: What is the first order of business?

Washington: We're trying to get rescued.

Caboose: Oh, yes, rescued! Yes excellent. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Tucker, you, and Wash look at each other.

Washington: Well, we know the communications tower works, so we should continue in our efforts to make contact.

Caboose: Ah, yes. Very good, excellent yes.

Washington: However, we should also work on trying to boost the signal of the radio transmitter. We were barely able to maintain a steady line of communication last time. Even if we make contact again, there's no guarantee anyone would be able to understand us.

(L/N): Well, Caboose-

Freckles turns to you.

(L/N): ...Captain Caboose. I was going to fix Penny before all of this happened, so I suggest I go do that.

Freckles still stares at you.

(L/N): Right... If that's okay with you.

Caboose: Ah! Yes, uh- right, yes. Yes, then we need to do those two things! I, uh... give you permission to go on this valuables quest! Tucker! Go fix the radio thing!

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