Chapter 6: S.O.S.

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Crash Site Bravo

A machine whirs from within the cavern and noises arise.

Caboose: It's alive. It's alive! He's ali- Aw, now it's dead... No, it's alive again! Oh, thank God that was close.

Communication Tower

You stand on the second floor of the Comm Tower, while Tucker works below it.

Tucker: Ok, how about now?

You hit the radio twice.

(L/N): Nothing.

Tucker: Hold on... Ok, try it again.

You hit the radio again.

(L/N): Still nothing.

Tucker: Balls.

(L/N): Hey, what exactly are you doing down there?

Tucker: Oh, you know.... Calibrating.

(L/N): ...Calibrating.

Tucker: Yeah.

Washington comes up to the second floor.

Washington: How are we doing with the Comm Tower?

(L/N): Oh, you know good... Tucker says he's "calibrating".

Washington looks down at Tucker.

Washington: ...You haven't done anything, have you?

Tucker: Dude, I don't know what I'm doing, or why you sent me down here.

Washington: Right. Guess I should have expected that.

Tucker: Woah, you guys got here fast!

Washington: Who are yo-

Washington looks down to see Team RWBY and Penny next to Tucker.

Washington: Oh, what are you five doing here?

Tucker: Yeah, and how did you guys get Penny a body?

Blake: Apparently Ruby and (L/N) built a new body for her without us even knowing.

Ruby: It was easy peasy.

Washington looks at you.

Washington: Hey (L/N). How much equipment did you use to build Penny?

(L/N): A lot actually, whoever made Penny's original body used a lot of complex materials.

Penny: My father always did want me to be in top-notch condition!

Washington: I see...

Tucker: Hey Wash, I think we got a situation.

Washington: What kind of-

He looks down and sees Red Team.

Washington: ...Oh.

Grif: Good to see you too.

Washington: What do you want?

Sarge: Figured it be a good idea to come over and lend a hand.

(L/N): Sarge, that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch anything.

Simmons: But we could provide tech support!

Sarge: Have you tried using any D batteries?

Penny: Well, telling from what I've scanned about the tower, it seems power isn't our problem. These battery arrays are solar, and they're getting plenty of sunlight.

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