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jimin squinted his eyes when the sudden light of the sun greeted his droopy pair. the feeling of the white sheets underneath him made him to suddenly panic at the situation. he didn't remembered going home and sleeping on his bed last night.

after a few seconds, he decided to open his drowsy eyes and looked around. the all white room with a few tint of brown due to the furniture surrounding it looked somewhat familiar to him. jimin looked at the window that was next to the bed and saw that the sun was already up behind the white curtains.

he massage his temples from the sudden headache that was suddenly hammering his head. all he could remember last night was a few shots of alcohol he does not recognize at all, blinding neon lights and people dancing around him that formed a suffocating crowd.

then, it hit him.

jimin abruptly sat down, wincing at the pain on his lower back. frustratingly ruffling his blonde hair, he noticed the red mixed with purple marks on his naked upper body. he also think that he may not even be wearing anything at all.

the marks were scattered from his neck to his pelvic, jimin could tell it was not less than ten. and as he was gazing at them, the memory flooded back to him like the rapid flowing of a river.

the music resonating the bar. the burning sensation on his throat and the bitter taste of an alcohol he wasn't familiar with. people dancing wildly around him, practically grinding on their chosen partners. chatters and words his best friend was yelling at him that he barely heard. the dizziness he felt when he started to feel tipsy.

next thing he knew, there were soft lips hungrily abusing his plump ones, sucking on his bottom lips like it was some sweet candy. his back against the soft mattress as hands started to travel down his body. the husky voice whispering nonsense to his ears that sent him off the edge. the blue locks that he desperately pulled on the night before when the sound of skin slapping to one another began.

jimin looked up when a man opened the door, waking him up from remembering the incidents of yesterday. the fragments of the party's memories all made sense when a familiar man walked inside the room.

there stood jimin's boyfriend, you could say the least. he gave him a small nod before walking to the open bathroom door. he gaze up at the other's body, a small loose black shirts and boxers adorning his small frame.

jimin quickly gathered the white sheets and tried his best to cover his lower body, kicking his legs off the bed to stand up. his boyfriend came out of the bathroom while drying his face up with a towel.

"yoongi," jimin called softly, jerking his feet fora little when he felt the cold floor beneath him.

his not-so-boyfriend boyfriend, yoongi, looked at him after tossing the towel to the bathroom sink, slightly tripping due to the scattered clothes on the floor. his pair pf hazy eyes gaze up the marks he left on jimin's thin body before raising an eyebrow.

"clothes." the first thing that escaped jimin's plump lips that are swollen from yesterday, yoongi could tell.

the other gestured t his closet, before silently walking out of the room without saying anything. jimin fell silent for a moment, staring at the pale man disappearing at each step he took.

jimin sighed and stood up, not caring if he was naked while looking through his boyfriend's closet.


even with a throbbing head, jimin successfully cooked eggs for the two of them. the sweater and jeans he borrowed from yoongi perfectly fitted his body in every corner, and he couldn't deny the smile he had while cooking.

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