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jimin felt the sudden jolt of pain spread throughout his body, his left cheeks stinging at yoongi's hand. the sound of the blue haired man's palm making contact with his delicate skin was horrific, it was too much that jimin felt the sting at the tips of his fingers.

tears were streaming down his face as yoongi stared at him in anger, eyes blazing with an unknown emotion the blonde was sure that isn't rage anymore. the silence wasn't as scary. the blonde's form cower underneath yoongi, his heavy breathing and jimin's muffled cries were hammering on his ear drums along with the sound of his beating heart.

for once, park jimin felt afraid of min yoongi.

emotions washed through him like waves with an unidentified speed and jimin still grew confused despite the situation he was in. jimin had thought that today was a perfect day. the feeling of euphoria conjuring up on his stomach as both of them did things normal couples do bothered him. he had no experiences in these kinds of things. the blonde had never imagines that a guy like min yoongi would be dating him.

he couldn't believe it. feeling yoongi's chase kisses on his skin, the warmth of the blue haired man's hand, the giggles and laughter they shared, the ache on his heels because of too much walking, and the love and affection he found in yoongi. but jimin couldn't believe it either.

he couldn't think that he ruined this whole day and yoongi raised a hand on him, hurting him physically which he never imagined the older doing. jimin felt like out of all the fuck-ups he had ever experience in his whole life, this one felt like a matter of life and death.

jimin's throat hitched, his pharynx felt like there's something invisible choking him. "i-m s-sorry."

"what the actual fuck jimin?" there was nothing but full despise in yoongi's tone, lace with every fiber of hatred inside him. his words were sharp, it felt like knives pricking at the blonde's heart.

in the corner of his eye, he saw the sudden raise of the blue haired man's hand, making him to close his orbs in fear. his plump and swollen lips pressed into a thin line, nor words of help or mercy leaving his mouth even though he wanted to. his small figure sat still on the bed, form bare and exposed to both coldness of the room and boiling heat of the older's altered emotions.

but the slap did not come. the blonde wasn't sure whether he'll rejoice or just stay still. instead, the soft mattress bounced and a sound of a fist colliding with a jaw reverberated around the hotel room. it was strong that the punch's force made the other flew, jimin feeling the pain on his own face because of his heightened senses today. a wince suddenly crept to his face, he could not imagine that. 

"jeongguk!" the name left jimin in shock, his eyes rounding and fixated on the brunette who stood beside him, trying to catch his breath. confusion rose in the blonde, his eyes darting to the older.

yoongi was laying down the floor, his right hand caressing his jaw who almost broke from the harsh physical contact. but yoongi's eyes stayed the same, it was still menacing. ferocious. deadly. ready to kill.

before jimin could think straight, the older stood up and plunged forward for the brunette. jeongguk crossed his arms as an attempt to shield his body from punches, but it was futile. his back collided hard with the wall near the door. 

there was no denying jeongguk's physic was above from yoongi. he was taller, had more defined and built muscles. he should be stronger. but little jeongguk doesn't have experience in this. he never had been involved himself to a fight before. he threw the first punch today out of impulse, an attempt to save park jimin from what dangers the blue haired man can cause his own boyfriend.

yoongi wasn't tall. merely even an each near the youngest's height. jimin knew the older's physical ability was a bit near his, but what happens if emotions get out of control and eat up his system?

a shout left jimin's lips but the two couldn't hear it. yoongi was too engrossed in killing the younger while jeongguk was trying his very best to defend himself. jeongguk inhaled, pushing the older who surprisingly took a few steps back from the force, almost losing his balance. but yoongi didn't flinched at the gesture, only adding to his steaming anger. he plunged forward again, determined to land another punch on jeongguk.

the brunette smashed to the wall, yoongi's fist landing on the younger's cheekbone. jimin pushed himself to stand up, piling the sheets to cover his birthday suit and help jeongguk. he yelled at yoongi, begging him to stop as the brunette received another one on the stomach.

jeongguk was starting to get dizzy from this unwanted beating, his stomach churning at the punch. he felt the acids from his organs are building up and slowly rising up his esophagus, he was on the brink of passing out.

but even with his hazy eyes, he saw the blue haired man coming for him even though he already sunk to his knees. he didn't felt victorious, at all. he felt helpless. his attempt in saving jimin was just a piece of his imagination and a piece of shit. he should be the one giving yoongi some beating, to hopefully make the bastard realize his shitty doings. but instead, he was the one suffering from it.

the beating stopped, and he let out a soft cry that anyone seeing him in this state right now would pity him. instead, he saw yoongi falling to his knees too. the blue haired man fell down to his side, eyes closed, the side of his forehead bleeding.

jeongguk knew he isn't the one who caused it. although it was a blur, he could see jimin's lower limbs trembling near the body. he couldn't think less if yoongi was still breathing, heart still beating.

his eyelids grew heavy, and the silence started to serenade him to sleep. with one inhale of breath, jeongguk passed out.


jimin knew he couldn't keep this a secret from his friends, let alone hoseok who was asking about jeongguk. the blonde told him that the brunette was resting at his room, and made sure that no one would dare disturb him from his slumber. which was true because jeongguk lost his consciousness way before they could sprint out of the hotel for their lives.

jimin knew he had dragged jeongguk into a huge trouble, a fuck up he sure knows that the younger couldn't escape from.

he stared at the brunette as he tried his best to patch him up. jeongguk was wincing and moaning from pain even in his sleep. a wave of guilt filled him, knowing this child hard risked his life for him, even though he knew that he acted like a bitch to him. reasons why jeongguk had to help him even in the means of dying from his own boyfriend's hands weren't coming to him. 

he was confused, as to how did jeongguk knew about where he is. could it be a tracker on his phone? no, jeongguk wouldn't do such a thing. or could it be that jeongguk has been tailing him from the start of the day? yeah, that sounds more like jeongguk.

jimin adjusted the blanket that kept the younger deep in his sleep. he saw a few minutes there, recollecting his thoughts and gazing at the bruises and cuts jeongguk got from his fight with yoongi.

jimin was still in a mild shock. from the way yoongi lost his shit, from the turn of events, from seeing jeongguk slowly losing all his strength, yoongi beating up the younger, and him smashing the chair to the blue haired man's head to stop him. jimin couldn't recall how and when did he had that much courage to even hurt yoongi. but there was a feeling that flowed through his veins that were saying he had to.

jimin dragged jeongguk out of the hotel, careful enough that he knew that only the cameras had seen them. he managed to pull out a cab with a driver that only nodded when he told him the brunette just got into a random fight at a bar when he grew curious. and he was lucky enough that hoseok was still out when it was practically two in the morning.

jimin looked at jeongguk. for once, he felt grateful to have this kid being his tail. though he showed emotion, his finger tops caressed the boy's cheeks with a bandage on. jeongguk wouldn't know anyway.

a sigh left jimin as he pushed himself up from his seat, deciding to leave the younger and let him rest. he smiled, before closing the door behind him.

TOXIC.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora