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jeongguk woke up to the stinging pain all over his body. despite the fact that there was still this numbness at the tip of his senses, he felt the familiar soft sheets underneath his body. and the thought that he was lying on a possible bed made jeongguk sprung up.

sweat dripped at the sides of his face that he didn't knew conjured up since he passed out. his head felt a bit dizzy, and he could tell that he was still drowsy from his slumber. although he felt a bit better than he last remembered, he couldn't just ignore the soreness of his whole body from the night before. 

and it only hit him when he thought that.

for a second, he panicked. he couldn't remember what had happened after he lost his consciousness, nor jeongguk could remember how he escaped from the bastard's punches. he's certain that where he is now isn't near yoongi. and it isn't at a hospital, that was for sure.

when jeongguk got a good scan around the room, he registered that it was his room. the walls covered with pale white, there were dark wood furniture along with a few stuff here and there. and it wouldn't be jeongguk's room if it wasn't for all the clothes, whether it just came out of the washer or it just been striped off of his body, thrown at the floor. yeah, he's home indeed.

he inhaled a long breath, running his fingers through his locks out of relief, but a wince disrupted through his face at the pain that shot his senses. with the light that had seeped through the thin white curtains of his room, jeongguk was able to distinguish the bandages that scattered around his body. 

a hiss left his lips, pushing his lower limbs off the bed. although his legs felt a bit giddy and unstable like jelly, jeongguk managed to stand in front of the mirror he had in his room.

someone must've had help him change into a new pair of shorts and sweater. there was a bandage patched over his left cheekbone, and he never felt so ugly than he did now. he had a busted lip, the purple color had covered his right eye, and he had various bruises that coated him in places he had no idea the punches had reached.

jeongguk sighed. thoughts were circulating around his head, dragging along questions with it. had he been that careless that he ended up in this state he was currently in? had he been impulsive that he even endangered his own life for someone?

now that it crossed his mind, jeongguk started to wonder how he got here in the first place. the only thing he could think of was jimin, who he was trying to save. heat pooled over his cheeks just by recalling a few fragments of his blurry and hazy memories out of embarrassment. jimin hadn't thought of him as an equal or someone in the same platform since the beginning, and now that this happened, jeongguk could only imagine how low the blonde thinks of him now.

the door suddenly opened, catching him off guard in his trance, nearly losing his balance.

"oh, you're awake." hoseok beamed at him. the older continued on to go inside the room despite the expression the younger was wearing. hoseok placed the tray of what seemed like jeongguk's breakfast on the bedside table.

a sigh left the older, scanning his eyes all over the younger. "man, those people at the club really did you dirty."

for a moment, jeongguk raised a brow out of confusion. but guessed park jimin lied about how he practically had himself beaten up. after all, all of his friends would oppose him and lecture the blonde like they usually do. and if hoseok and the others knew about yoongi being the one who who is responsible for all the pain he had been through the past night, who knows what they would do to the man. although it was a pretty tempting offer that he had accidentally got, jeongguk decided to keep his mouth shut.

"eat up." hoseok told him, pulling a small chair to the side of the bed. the brunette took the chopsticks, and decided to help himself despite the uncomfortable stare the older was giving him. "how are you feeling?"

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