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hoseok stumbled on a pile of boxes when taehyung asked him to assist the younger with something. he wasn't even inside the younger's house, boxes of different sizes were scattered in front the younger's garden. 

he wasn't informed that namjoon kicked his cousin out of his house. but then, he was even surprised that taehyung lasted a few years at that house even though their whole friend circle were betting that namjoon would just throw the younger's belongings out a day later or so.

his eyes skimmed through the brown boxes, one was completely open and the sight of iron man boxers caught his eyes. he made a face out of disgust as the idea of taehyung wearing those crossed his mind, but at the same time, trying to conceal his laughter at the embarrassing clothing. didn't knew that his friend is obsessed with a superhero.

the feeling of the heat rays of the sun on his back started to annoy him, the black tee he was wearing wasn't even helping. hoseok sighed, as he started to carve his own path towards the door, carefully avoiding the boxes and a few unknown stuffs he doesn't want to specify.

hoseok wasn't even knocking on the door or even pressed the door bell but it already swung open. he came face to face with an unfamiliar face, that made him to take a step back.

"ah, sorry, mister!" the boy, younger than him by about three years, he assumes, greeted him as evident beads of perspiration trailed down his manly facial features.

"jeongguk, who's there?" the familiar voice of namjoon rang around the house as heavy footsteps were heard heavy, hoseok thought that every step his best friend takes, he breaks the polished wooden floor.

when namjoon peeked his head at the little space of the door because the boy's whole frame occupied the very entrance, hoseok gave him an awkward smile. namjoon pushed the boy aside, formally greeting his visitor.

"ah, thank god, hoseok!" the words left the taller's lips like hoseok saved his life from a suffering."i thought you'll turn down the favor when taehyung called you."

hoseok furrowed his eyebrows at his best friend, confusion started to seep in his mind. namjoon took his hand and immediately pulling him inside the house, slightly wincing at the pain that he felt because of the force his best friend was using on him. the boy looked so clueless on what was going on but he decided to follow hoseok and namjoon after locking the front door.

"where's taehyung?" hoseok asked when his feet stepped inside the living room.

namjoon sat hoseok down the sofa as he threw a pair of house slippers at the older. "probably at his room. taehyung! get down here!"

hoseok was untying his converse when he heard a loud groan from upstairs, probably taehyung who looks like he just woke up. it was then, followed by a crash, which wasn't new because it;s probably taehyung that just stumbled on a decoration on the house.

the boy sat down at a small sofa chair, watching as hoseok removed his shoes. the older was beginning to feel uncomfortable under the younger's gaze, who doesn't seem to be fazed by the glance hoseok was giving him, asking for the other male to knock it off through his eyes.

the moment taehyung literally rolled down the stairs, hoseok was finished putting on the soft, cushion slippers the kim household provided. taehyung's puffy and red eyes were evidence that he just woke up from a dream, the drool at the side of his pale lips made namjoon to throw a clean cloth to wipe it off on.

"oh, hoseokie." taehyung slurred in his words, yawning as he rubbed his left eye out of drowsiness. "i'm glad you're here. mind to cook me some breakfast?"

the statement made hoseok chuckle, he was expecting this before he could make taehyung talk. he beamed at the younger and nodded, his fondness of taehyung is evident at every step he took in the other's house.

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