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maybe having jeongguk as a club buddy wasn't bad at all, jimin had thought. sure, he wasn't that type of person that brings out the fun in clubbing. nor was he the one that sets up the mood when you go and drink. but maybe jimin needed someone who was quiet just like him.  

despite jeongguk being an anxious and timid adult who just finished going through puberty, he went along with whatever jimin had in his leave. the blonde had realized that the boy wasn't that boring to begin with. sure, he was a bit cocky and full of himself, but he was a sweet little brother that is able to take care of anyone he wanted to. he was able to spend a few days with the boy, and in that time span, he hadn't hooked up with anyone from the bar. which is a good thing for jimin because he doesn't want to die early from any disease concerning sexual activities with strangers.

the one thing that was bothering him was this thought that maybe he was a bit too harsh on jeongguk in their first encounter. maybe he was too close minded in having new friends, or maybe he simply hated nosy teenagers. either way, he should've been a bit sociable and kind to the younger considering it was the kid's first time on the city. 

but he didn't brought up the issue. he didn't dare speak anything about it. because in what jimin feels now, they're pretty fine boys acquainted with each other in issues and both personal matters.

he wasn't even sure if the title "friends" was right to describe them.

"the usual, please." jimin told the timid bartender at their usual bar, who only nodded after taking their orders. jeongguk leaned on the counter as jimin adjusted his bum on the stool, his feet dangling in the air.

the familiar upbeat music filled the room bustling with drunk individuals drinking and dancing, the eyesore lights occasionally glinted on the both of them at the bar counter. jeongguk breathe the humid air of the night, his index finger adjusted the rim of his black turtle neck. jimin stared at the taller male at the corner of his eye, casually leaning on his right palm.

"here's your cocktails." the bartender spoke in a quiet voice, handing them two wineglasses of a liquid made of alcohol and juice. jeongguk smiled at the bartender, who jimin guessed about the same age as them, who flinched and suddenly backed away, flustered. 

a smile formed on the blonde's lips, as his elbow nudged the younger's ribs slowly, still eyeing the bartender who tired to do his job to hide his flushed face. "looks like that dude has the hots for you, jeongguk." 

"hyung," jeongguk couldn't help but laugh. "stop it. you know him, he's a bit shy. maybe he was intimidated or something."

"no, believe me dude." the blonde chugged down his drink, his left hand was tapping on the counter instinctively. he eyed the bartender, who flinched when they suddenly made eye contact. "he's been staring at you since the last three days." 

the younger shook his head, a chuckle left his lips once he took a ship on his drink. "that's the fourth dude that you told me to make a move on, hyung. and the fourth one i'll decline."

if the stool had a backrest, jimin would've slumped back out of defeat. "what's with you? you don't swing that way?" 

"it's not that 'i don't swing that way'." the brunette clarified, eyeing the older male who was busy playing with his glass. "i'm just not interested. i already have my eyes set on someone."

jimin dismissed the manner, as he ordered a beer from the other bartender that was passing by. he had thought that the other was only lying. maybe jeongguk reasoned that to avoid further interrogation, or future match-up from the blonde. jimin wasn't curious enough to hug the younger who is this person, at least he knew not to be nosy when it comes to personal issues. 

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