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maybe partying with taehyung was a bad idea, jimin thought. the blonde regretted the decision as he swirled the small cherry around his usual cocktail, the throbbing pain at his back made him to hiss a few times. 

it was late. he was just about to go home after declining yoongi's offer to spend the night when he got a call from his best friend. he thought that a little liquor could make him feel a bit better, but it didn't. it only made him feel worse and shittier.

hazy memories of yoongi's lips that sucked on his neck made him dizzy, while taehyung is practically inhaling a whole bottle of hennessy down. the tingling sensation on his sore lips made him wanting more of the older, but still, the feeling of the needle piercing through his skin as it left markings still clouded his system.

at the upper left corner of his back, there imprinted was a rose. it was beautifully drawn, the color red looks so good on his skin. even if it was a bit small, it felt like the tattoo ate his whole back at the pain.

the rose was just the size of his boyfriend's thumb, small but it was stunning. it's stem was drawn in a few fancy swirls finished the look. it was painful, but yoongi told him it suited jimin.

the itch jimin was feeling earlier to sleep at his boyfriend's place bothered him. it crawled at every fiber of him, his longing for the older's touch made him so desperate just for a little affection. it was a surprise that he turned down yoongi's offer.

"hey!' he felt a sudden weight on his shoulders, hissing as taehyung's large hands hit the spot. the younger reeked of alcohol, as jimin tried his best to shoo the muscle away. "let's dance."

the blond gruffed, "i'm not in the mood, tae."

"oh? that's new for park jimin." his long fingers ran through his luscious silver locks, taehyung wetting his lips with another sip from the bottle. "what happened?"

the slur in his voice convinced the blonde that he was already drunk. the way the boy's eyes roll around and change focus frequently was one of the reasons he looks so wasted. he was playing with the bar stool, twisting and turning like a kid.

"taehyung," jimin took the bottle of soju that the younger ordered again, making the boy pout in a cute manner. "you're drunk. let's go home."

taehyung pointed his best friend and lazily shook his head, muttering some gibberish words jimin couldn't determine what. "no! i want you to enjoy this night! not just me!"

"i'm not a free and party goer anymore, taehyung." rolling his brown eyes, the blonde ordered another cocktail and smiled a bit at the bartender as a sign of greeting. he knew he couldn't just leave the boy all by himself. not now that the younger is wasted and would probably kill himself in the process of getting home.

the white liquid was served to him, the bartender beaming at him. if he was in the mood, he could tell that he would flirt at the guy who looks like has the hots for him. but he has matters to handle.

jimin took a small sip, eyeing as the silver haired boy took out his smartphone, nearly dropping it on the floor due to the unnecessary shaking of his hands. the blonde saw how the younger's long fingers tapped a few digits on the screen.

"ah! oi, come over here!" jimin ignored his best friend. it was one of those unwanted night outs where taehyung never fails to have his number blocked on a close friend's phone. he would always tell namjoon that if you're a friend of that boy, and have his number, it's better to block him right before you'll be a victim of his famous drunk calls. "ah, beautiful! pretty please?"

a chuckle left jimin's lips, ordering another shot of the drink. he had taken a few gulps of liquor than what he promised himself. he thought of going home after finishing one wineglass of cocktail, to think he'll stay after three more.

a huge grin was plastered on taehyung's face that made jimin shift on his stool. "who's that?"

"i heard you're a bit lonely, and that's good because you're not with that dipshit anymore. " the blonde felt a pang of guilt on his chest. and it was as if the tattoo on his back heard, it suddenly shot another ache throughout his system.

chuckling, taehyung's hazy gaze landed on jimin. "so i invited someone over."

"ugh. bet that someone wouldn't." shaking his head, jimin decided to order a stronger alcohol. even though he really believes that whoever taehyung's new victim is won't show up and probably blocked him already, but he still wanted to test whoever this was and take a look at himself.

little did he knew that the victim is actually quite obedient.


despite the urge to stay at the apartment and wait for the older two, jeongguk made his way to the pub. he couldn't care less at the bruise painted in a dark purple color on his forehead. he did a quick shower, and decided to head out when he thinks he looks decent enough.

the familiar upbeat music rammed his ears as colors that were such an eyesore beamed at every places of his figure. jeongguk tried his best not to get lost in the rowdy sea of people as he trudge to the other side of the room.

he knew that taehyung is always like that. calling every number on his phone when drunk that the silver haired man thinks it's fun.  it was a quite famous subject that circulated taehyung's and namjoon's friends. he would always think how people can actually stand the older and still be his friend despite every troublesome trick he could pull up his sleeve.

sucking in a harsh breath, the crowd of drunk customers spitted jeongguk out and in to the other side of the room. besides the background music, he could now hear the faint wails and drunk pleas of taehyung.

he walked slowly towards the long bar counter, hands inside his pockets. jeongguk stopped abruptly when he spotted a mop of blonde hair next to the silver one. even under the blinding lights, his eyes recognized  the figure. it was like he memorized it despite the few moments they shared.

he didn't expected to see jimin here.

even though it was just a blur, taehyung recognized the younger as he approached them. a smile crept to his lips and he nudged, well, dabbed his elbow on jimin's right rib hardly. it almost made the blonde spill his drink, hissing harsly as he turned his head to where taehyung was looking.

and jimin coughed off the liquid that was in his mouth after seeing who it was.

"and what the heck is this kid doing here?' the blonde snapped at the drunk male, who had a huge smile plastered on his lips. jeongguk couldn't help but roll his eyes, sitting on the vacant stool next to taehyung.

the brunette asked for a mild cocktacl, placing a bill on the counter. "hyung called me up."

"didn't think you were this dumb to actually follow taehyung." jimin retorted, harshly gulping down all of the beer out of cold bitterness.

a chuckle left the younger's lips, "didn't knew you were this bitter to get salty at my sudden appearance, hyung."

jimin shot his head to jeongguk, who only cocked his eyebrow at him. the pain that lingered on his back because of the tattoo disappeared, he sure was tipsy earlier.

jimin left some money on the counter. before he stood up. he marched away, not saying a word that made the brunette smirk.

but before the blonde could swim into the swarm of drunk people, he looked back. "take taehyung home."

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