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Jack Dylan Grazer. Popular, handsome, athletic. He's a lot of things that run in the 'perfect guy' stereotype. But most of all he's a man whore.
Somehow this man whore ended up being my neighbor. His mother and my mother seemed to hit it off well, so they come over for dinner at least once a week.

They were the first people we were introduced to after moving into our new house. I wouldn't have known that Jack was a man whore but of course we went to the same school and the first girl I met warned me about him.

That girl became my best friend shortly after we got to know each other. Apparently Jack cheated on her after the third day of their dating. The girl he cheated on her with is named Ellie. My friend's name is Ally.

Ellie was basically the popular girl who was viewed as a queen. Really though she was a whore like Jack. They have been cheating on each other for as long as they've been dating. Ellie's followers knew about both sides and people suspect Ellie does too.

If I had known about the side of Jack I was introduced to in school when I first met him, maybe I wouldn't have let him make casual flirty comments towards me or let him sit on my bed and play video games with me while our moms made conversation downstairs. Maybe we wouldn't have become such good friends. Unfortunately though, we did.

We met when I was going into 8th and he was going into his freshman year. Now, I'm in my Junior year and Jack's in his Senior. He started to drive me to school as soon as he'd gotten his license his sophomore year.

"Y/n," my attention was snatched from my head as soon as my Mom's voice rang through my room. She was leaning against my door frame.

"Yes?" I stood from my bed and walked over to her.

"Jack and his Mom are coming over for dinner in an hour."

"Okay," I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her. I always liked hugs. They gave me a feeling of warmth.

We rocked back and forth in the hug for a small bit of time before she had to go cook. I walked out of my room, deciding to go on a walk until Jack got here. I slowly walked down the stairs and to the front door.

"I'm going for a walk," I called into the house, my hand pressed against the cold metal of the doorknob.

"Okay. Be back before 6:00 or I'll come find you myself!"

I walked out of the door and into the cold air outside. My hoodies warmth started to wrap around my frame, protecting my skin from the air. I started to walk along the pavement, looking at all of the sights.

The grass wasn't quite dead yet, it's green starting to fade into a light brown. The leaves of the trees were starting to grow light shades of orange with hints of yellow. The sky was a soft blue, dotted with a few clouds here and there.

The people around me were either talking to someone or walking with their head down, hiding from the world. A few were talking of my school. I recognized some of the voices along with the faces. I wasn't very popular at school except for with the girls that tried to get close to Jack through me, so I earned no more than a side glance.

As I walked past a playground I got the urge to swing. I walked over to the swings, settling into one. I pushed my feet off the ground, gently launching the swing into function. I watched all the different people go by as I got higher. I noticed a couple start to come towards the playground. I saw Jack's curly brown hair and almost fell out of my swing. Is he with Ellie?

I strained to see if the girl had Ellie's dark hair. The girl was in fact Ellie and I noticed that she was looking directly at me as she talked to Jack. They went to the slides and as Jack sat down she talked some more and then started to walk my way.

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