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Ellie emerged from my closet after calling out to Jack. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. He was obviously confused on how she got into my room. "I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" Jack gazed at me before looking back towards Ellie. Ellie took a very noticeable deep breath.
"I...cheated on you. Before you go all crazy I want to say sorry. I never meant to hurt you if I did," she lightly touched his arm. "But I want to break up with you. This time it isn't because Y/n hurt my feelings but because I don't want to hurt you if I ever cheat again. Right at this moment I don't trust myself not to cheat."

"O-okay," Jack seemed a little relieved instead of hurt. "Thank you for being extremely honest I guess."

"Can I give you a hug? Just for a peaceful goodbye?" she gave him a soft smile. He nodded slowly and let her wrap her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her and ran his fingers through her hair.

They pulled away and Jack stared at the both of us in confusion. "What's going on between you two? Where did you come from Ellie?"

"I came out of the closet," she had a look on her face that almost resembled realization. "I'm not a lesbian. Just... I was in Y/n's closet."

I stifled a laugh at what she had said. "Ellie wants my help to bring her old self out and be good."

"And I'm returning the favor with a way you can't know about," Ellie smirked. Jack still seemed a little confused.

"Why would you help Ellie after she was so mean to you?" he turned towards me. "No offense Ellie."

"None taken. I was confused too but also really glad she would forgive me."

"I just hope to see the best in people. Ellie may have bullied me but she was starting to soften up. When she told me that she cheated on you in the park anger was the only thing I felt but she quickly told me how bad she felt. I didn't want her to hold a grudge against herself but I also hoped she would. So I decided to help her as long as she would break up with you so you wouldn't get hurt," I explained myself.

"You're too good for your own good," Jack smiled at me.

"Yes she is," Ellie softly agreed.


"So first you should apologize to all the people you wronged," I advised as Ellie and I walked into the school building. Jack drove both of us there since Ellie decided to stay the night.

"That's a lot..." Ellie frowned.

"Well at least try," I shrugged.

"Okay," she looked a little hesitant before she made eye contact with Ally who was glaring at her as she made her way over.

"Ellie you should leave before I do something terrible," Ally grimaced at Ellie.

"Ally there will be no need for that. Just let Ellie speak," I nodded towards her. She gave me a disapproving look.

"Ally," Ellie started. Ally looked over at her with a bored expression. "I'm sorry for everything wrong I've done to you. It wasn't right of me to steal Jack when he was yours or rub it in your face. I desprerately want to change back to how I used to be."

"Really? I can't be sure you mean it," Ally looked shocked with a mix of sadness. Her eyes had softened but still looked on Ellie with a hatred that could've intimidated the strongest of people. If looks could kill, Ellie would be dead.

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