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I opened my door and walked in. I ran to my bed and fell onto it. Jack did the same, landing beside me. I placed his away jersey that had previously been in my hand onto the bedside table. When I turned back around Jack's face was really close to mine. His eyes looked even better up close.

"Hi," he chuckled.

"Hey," my breathing was weird so my 'hey' came out breathy.

"You okay?" he looked a little worried.

"Yeah. We're just, you know, close," I gave him a shy smile.

He raised his eyebrow a bit. "We've been this close before we started fake dating. What's the difference?"

"I don't know," I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled his chest. "Guess I was just being weird."

He gave a small adorable laugh. "You're always weird."

"Awe that's not nice," my voice was muffled. He started playing with my hair, sending a sensation of shivers down my spine.

"It's true," he replied, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger.

"If I'm weird, you're weird for hanging out with me," I pulled away from his chest and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I guess that's true too," he stuck his tongue out at me too. I giggled and sat up. "Awe, where are you going?"

"I'm not leaving, but get up and sit against my pillows. It's comfier like that," I pointed to where I wanted him to sit.

"What if I find it comfier right here?"

"Is that a challenge, Grazer?"
"Maybe it is," he gave me a sly smile.

"I'm weak, how am I supposed to move you?" I started trying to roll him towards my pillows.

"Like that," he grumbled as I finished pushing.

I did a small victory dance. "Now sit up."

He obeyed me and sat up against my pillow. His lips formed in a pout that he lost. "Y'know you aren't that heavy at all. My weakness doesn't mean anything when it comes to your lightness," he rolled his eyes at my comment.

"Just come cuddle me," he opened his arms as if for a hug.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes playfully and laid down on my side with my arms wrapped around him. He slipped his arms around me in return.

"Y/n, can you promise me something?" I looked up at Jack, his question consuming my attention.

"Depends what it is," I raised an eyebrow.

"Promise me that you'll still be my best friend when we break this fake dating thing off, please?" his puppy dog eyes looked deep into my soul, making it impossible to resist.

"I promise," I spoke softly and grabbed his hand.

"Thank you. You make me happy," he smiled down at me. It was a soft smile, so gentle on his freckled face.

"You make me happy too," I smiled back at the boy who secretly made my heart melt. His smile only grew wider.

I felt his phone vibrate from the side I was on. Since I was curled against him it vibrated my leg. I pulled his phone out of his pocket for him. I handed it to him and grabbed my own phone from my bedside table.

I snooped at his phone from my own in my hand and saw that it was a text from Ellie. I saw him click on the notification and go to it. I read over the text.

Ellie - I miss you

I watched as he spelled his text out to her with the one hand that wasn't wrapped around me.

Break my HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang