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The night moved on slowly. After eating we all went back up to my room and talked about random stuff. People filed out one by one as it got later in the night. The only two that decided on staying were Ally and Sophia.

As Jack left I followed him out. I closed the door to my home behind me. I turned around towards Jack and opened my arms, waiting for a hug. Jack took a step towards me but instead of wrapping his arms around me one hand rested on my cheek while his other hand rested against my hip. His lips met mine making me instantly close my eyes and start to kiss back.

The kiss lasted close to a sweet fifteen seconds. When he pulled away from my face he had a small, almost shy, smile. I returned a shy smile of my own. His kissable lips parted so he could speak through them, "I'll just go."

He walked backwards, staring at me, until he almost fell down the steps. He flailed his arms and steadied himself, trying to act nonchalant about his mishap. I giggled and rolled my eyes at him.

I was conflicted about what he made me feel. I knew I liked him but I didn't think he liked me back. He was only using me as a way to get to Ellie. Why did he just kiss me?

I walked in the door, extremely confused. My Mom, Ally, and Sophia were all right in my face as soon as I closed the door. I glared at them all as I raised an eyebrow. "Were you all watching me?"

"Yes," Sophia answered.

"I knew you were dating. Why didn't you tell me?" my Mother gave me a disappointed gaze.

"I didn't want you to break your friendship off if Jack and I broke up," I glanced down at the ground.

"Oh honey you aren't going to change anything. We'll still force you two to talk if you break up," my Mom placed a hand on her hip.

"Well thanks," I rolled my eyes at her.

"I have to tell my bestie about this," my Mom made a squealish noise and ran from our group. I sighed and focused on Sophia and Ally. They grabbed me and started to drag me up the stairs.

"I can walk on my own," I managed to squeak as I was focused on not tripping over my feet because of their speed.

"Spill," Ally demanded as they threw me onto my bed. I rolled onto my back and sat up.

"I don't even know," I furrowed my brows.

"Share your feelings," Sophia sat with crossed legs, acting like a therapist.

"I'm really confused. He's just using me right?" I cut them off before they could answer. "He just wants Ellie not me. He kissed me willingly though. He's so confusing!" I let a huge sigh out and fell back onto my back.

"I see why you're confused," Ally nodded. "Very confusing boy."

"Right?" I groaned and grabbed a pillow, stuffing my face in it.

"Do you like him?" Sophia questioned.

"Yes! That's why it hurts."

"Hurts? Explain please," Sophia chewed on the end of a pen from my desk.

"My heart is in pain that he would even consider being with Ellie. Then he kisses me, but I know he doesn't like me. He's basically playing with my feelings at this point," I rolled my eyes.

"Woah there. Jack doesn't play with feelings. He either thinks he likes the girl but he ends up seeing they just want his popularness or he thinks he likes someone but figures that he doesn't much too early. Yeah, I know it seems farfetched but Finn told me from his Jack therapy sessions," Sophia replied.

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