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I watched the door carefully, waiting for Ellie to walk through. I plan on hiding behind my seat partner when she walks in. He must've noticed my slight fear of the girl. It was mostly getting in trouble and messing up my decent record.

"You okay?" he looked over at me once the conversation he was having with the guy in front of him had ended. "You look a little scared."

"I'm a little scared. I mean I did punch Ellie in the nose," I cringed at the thought of my fist connecting with her nose.

"Wait, really?" his eyes widened at my statement.

"Yeah...um...yeah," I continued to stare at the door.

"What did she do to make you that mad?"

"When I tried to walk to Jack, my boyfriend, she pulled me back by my hair. She had already been saying rude things towards me, so it just ticked me off," Ellie walked through the door, a tissue sticking out of her nose. I held in a laugh and ducked behind the black-haired male. He was taller than me by about three inches so I hid well. His name was Keith if I remember correctly.

"Did she see me?" I asked, peeking around his shoulder. Ellie had sat down close to the front.

"Nah," I came out from behind him fully.

"Did you see the thing in her nose?" I asked, trying not to snort.

"Yeah. You must've hit her pretty hard," Keith studied the back of Ellie's head.

"Must have."

Our conversation broke off and I desperately tried to stay awake through the entire class. The stuff we were learning was review and I already knew it. When we got sheets I quickly finished them and set them aside, always alert.


Lunch rolled around and I stayed behind in class to leave after Ellie. Once she had disappeared through the door with her minions, I sped to my locker to put my things up. When I made it to my locker I was greeted by Jack.

"Hey," he looked distracted as he leaned against the locker beside mine.

"What's up?" I asked, my eyebrow raised.

"I just wanted to pick you up for lunch," he rubbed the back of his neck with a small smile over his lips. Cute...

"Aw aren't you adorable?" I spoke in a joking tone and rubbed his hair.

"I'm not adorable, I'm manly," I laughed as he puffed his chest out.

"Keep dreaming," I rolled my eyes, a smile wide across my lips.

After I put my stuff up in my locker I walked to Jack's table with him. The others were already there, talking amongst themselves. It seemed like there were many different conversations happening.

Jack sat down in his seat and I sat in his lap. I already knew he was going to pull me there anyway. I cuddled into his shoulder, my tiredness getting the best of me.

"I'm sleepy," I mumbled to him. I felt his arms snake around my waist and pull me closer.

"You have to stay awake," he poked my side a little, making me squirm in his grip.

"Why? You're comfortable," I whined, snuggling more into his shoulder.

"Because we're in school," he chuckled and gave me a squeeze. I let out an unattractive noise at the sudden squeeze. I quickly covered my mouth. "What was that?"

"I made an unattractive sound, leave me alone."

"It was weirdly adorable. Don't worry about it," he pulled me back into him with a small laugh.

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