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"Bye Mom. Love you," I hugged her before going out of the door. I opened the door to the passenger side of Jack's car and slipped in.

"Good morning," Jack smiled at me and started to drive.

"Good morning to you too," I smiled back. I saw Jack's eyes side glance at me, his smile growing.

"What's such a big smile doing on your face?" I raised an eyebrow at the brown haired boy.

"No reason," his smile didn't leave his face as he kept driving. He started to drive with one hand, his other arm resting on the arm rest between us.

I studied his expressions trying to figure out why he was so happy. I was so focused on his facial expressions, I didn't notice when Jack grabbed my hand. I looked down at our hands, a blush spreading over my cheeks.

"Why hold my hand in private? Don't we just do that kind of stuff in public?" I asked Jack my questions.

"If we want the relationship to be believable we have to be couple-like in private too," he looked at me and winked. "I also like holding your hand."

I rolled my eyes and turned to the window, not releasing his hand. We went the rest of the way to school in silence, hands together.

When we made it to the school I let go of his hand and stepped out of the car. I threw my book bag over my shoulder and waited for Jack to get out of his car. A car parked beside his and I noticed it as Ellie's. I rolled my eyes and turned away from her car.

I heard the sound of a car door open and close. Hoping it was Jack and not Ellie, I wasn't focused on anything but watching for Jack to step out.

I was snatched back by my book bag, before being pushed the other way and into Jack's car door. I turned around quickly only to see Ellie walking away, a smirk playing on her lips. I glared at the back of her head before I straightened myself.

"You okay?" I heard Jack's footsteps over to me.

I looked his way and sent a nod. "Yeah, I got this, remember?" I smiled at him.

"Okay. Just tell me if she gets out of hand," he looked at me with worry filled eyes.

"It's not like you would hurt her or anything. You like her," I started walking. I saw him tense up out of the corner of my eye.


"No buts. We're a couple for a reason, right?" I stopped walking when I didn't hear him beside me. I turned around and raised an eyebrow. "You coming?"

He shook out of whatever kind of trance he was in and started walking to me. "Yeah."

As we walked up to the school I noticed how quiet he was. "Jack."

No reply.



I turned to him and gave him a punch on the shoulder. "Jackkk."

"Ouch," he held his shoulder and gave me a glare. Not sure if that was playful.

I grabbed his hand and held my head high. That quickly dissipated as his hand laid limp in mine. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he stiffly grabbed my hand and straightened.

"I'm not very convinced over here," I put a finger to my chin.

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"It's nothing," he shrugged and gave me a small smile.

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