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"Y/n..." I heard someone whispering in my ear. Their voice was soft but it broke me out of my light sleep.

"Huh?" I sat up quickly, bumping heads with the person that was looming over me. I fell back onto my bed holding my head with one hand. The other person groaned in pain at the head bump.

I opened my eyes for them to be met with brown ones. Ones that could melt any girls soul. "Jack? What are you doing in my house?"

"Your Mom let me in," he shrugged and sat beside me.

"Am I late for getting ready?" I sat up again and instantly felt the pain of my head. "Jesus Jack is your head made of metal?"

"No and I really don't know. That would explain why I didn't hurt my head when I fell off a slide," he fell back onto my mattress.

After I checked the time (5:35 a.m.) I squinted my eyes at him. "Why are you here so early?"

"I woke up early thinking about you," he rubbed his eyes.

"So you decide to come and wake me up?" I glared my tired eyes at him.

"I wanted to see you," he shrugged lazily. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest.

"At least let me get dressed and then I'll cuddle you," I tried to push him off me.

He groaned and let me go, turning onto his back. I sat up and jumped out of my bed. I went to my closet and grabbed some black skinny jeans. I grabbed Jack's hoodie and successfully made my way to the bathroom.

I slipped out of my pajamas and into my clothes for the day. I used the bathroom before going back into my room, of course after washing my hands. I brushed my hair in front of my mirror, getting stuck on a few knots.

After finishing my hair I set my brush down on my dresser. I went back to my bed where Jack was laying with his eyes closed. "Want something to eat?" I whispered into his ear.

"Do you plan on cooking?" he looked at me with one eye open.

"Nah. If you eat it's cereal," I waited for his reply.

"Sure," and with that we went downstairs and poured our bowls of cereal.

"Hey sweetheart," my Mom came over to me and pulled my hair back to kiss my forehead from behind.

"Hi," I replied, looking up at her.

"M/n, if it isn't too much trouble can I take Y/n to a party tonight?" Jack asked my Mom.

"If you keep her away from any guys, drugs, and alcoholic drinks then you can go. But you have to promise," my Mother gave Jack a stern look through her tired e/c eyes.

"I promise to keep her away from any of those," he nodded and held out his pinkie. My Mom linked pinkies with him.

"Say what you'll keep her away from."

"Guys, drugs, and alcoholic drinks," he answered.

"One more that I forgot to say. Date rape drugs. Don't let a guy or girl sneak that drug into her drink," she unlinked pinkies with Jack. She then pointed at me. "Stay by Jack's side, okay?"

"Okay Mom," I nodded and stood up. I took my empty bowl to my sink and rinsed it. I went back to my Mom and hugged her.

"Okay, hurry up Jack," I tapped my foot.

"Okay okay," he shoved a very full spoon of cereal into his already stuffed mouth. I shook my head and turned away.

"That's actually disgusting," I laughed.

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