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camila_cabello: What's up?

normanikordei: What do you mean " what's up ". You know " what's up ".

camila_cabello: I'm confused.

normanikordei: Why did you block Lauren?

camila_cabello: I guess she told you.

normanikordei: She didn't tell me anything. So now that you brought that up, why don't you tell me what happened between you two.

camila_cabello: So....did you see the video that Awesomeness TV put about Lauren and I?

normanikordei: Yeahhh. Why?

camila_cabello: So....Lauren put on her Twitter that she had a boyfriend and nothing between us will never happen. And I didn't like that.

normanikordei: Okayyy. Why are you mad about that????

camila_cabello: Are you not seeing the point?!

normanikordei: Ummm.....nope.

camila_cabello: God mani.

normanikordei: What?! I don't know what happened! Come on tell me.

camila_cabello: So she texted me and I didn't answer her and then she wanted to know why I got so mad about her putting that and I told her the reason why.

normanikordei: And what was the reason?

camila_cabello: Mani you are so slow! Any person would've realized why by now!

normanikordei: Just get to the goddamn point!

camila_cabello: I told her that I liked her.

normanikordei: OHHHHH SHITTTT!! 😲😲😲😲 Now that was something you did wrong.

camila_cabello: Why? What do you mean Mani?!

normanikordei: She hates it when people tell her that they like her when she's dating someone.

camila_cabello: Well I didn't know that! How the fuck am I suppose to tell her.

normanikordei: I don't know. You gotta apologize I guess?

camila_cabello: Where is she now?!

normanikordei: She's with Bread.

camila_cabello: Don't you mean Brad?

normanikordei: Dinah and I call him Bread cause we don't like him.

camila_cabello: Oh. So I lost my chance?

normanikordei: Yeah, I guess. She's really happy with him. Sorry.

camila_cabello: Is that suppose to make me feel better?

normanikordei: Yeah.

camila_cabello: Well it's not!

normanikordei: Sorry.....

camila_cabello: I'm sorry Mani. I'm just really upset.

normanikordei: Well I'm sorry. I have to go. Okay. But I'll text you later okay?

camila_cabello: Alright.

A/N: Don't worry they'll make up sooner.

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