6|The Fake Queen And A Maid

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Dedicated to @breannaisabellahill.

What do you mean?" Taylor asked, darting confused glances between the amused girls and Emese.

"Exactly what I said Samantha. Starting from now, you have 72 hours with your groom, confined to a place traditionally meant for it. It is Ardeleanian culture to protect and nurture royal dhampir brides the first three days to the ways of the Nosferatu before they start life as the potential Queen of Ardelean."

Taylor couldn't be more horrified. Confined?
Three days?
She, Taylor Mc'leory, the awkward, weak, socially inept 18 year old didn't only just dupe a vampire into marriage but she was to be Queen too?!

"You Dont have to look like you're visiting the gallows Samantha. I haven't even told you the half of it"

"That's not all?!" Taylor yelled, finally finding her voice. Was today ever going to end, she thought in dejection.

"No. The Izolare is for Anghel to teach you the ways of the Nosferatu and Ardeleanian norms. You both would be cut off from the outside world. You're allowed to take only a maidservant and you are not allowed to step out for those 72 hours. For one thing, Its breeds bonds between the newly weds but its mainly kick start things into action" The last part she said suggestively.

When Taylor failed to get the hint, Emese sighed and deadpanned "you're expected to be with child by the time its over"
Taylor had heard enough. She burst into hysterical laughter. She didn't know how she was to survive three days with Blue eyes now there was talk of a baby?!
She laughed till her belly ached not minding the looks she got from her audience. It was either this or brawling like a lost child
"You're taking this surprisingly well" Emese remarked, an eyebrow raised in suspicion.

Taylor felt like she had been duped while asleep. Nothing else could account for why she had woken up to being wedded and dressed like a Queen about to be confined with a vampire husband for three days. How did her life change so drastically in one day?!

"We will stop here" Emese's voice brought Taylor out of her reverie. They had been following a path in the castle grounds that seemed to lead nowhere. It was a quiet train led by Emese with Olivia and Taylor in tow. They had stopped at a secluded brick building,

"Your life as a dhampir bride begins the moment you cross that threshold and my duty as your aide ends. You've proven to be a great adaptor and a resilient child, so I have no doubt you'd survive this Izolare"
Emese said, And was about to turn away.
"Wait! What do you mean survive?" Taylor asked sharply

"The Izolare is notorious for breaking mortals, Samantha. Not all brides that goes in comes out....well"
The words scared her like nothing had. Emese was keeping the important part of this confusing deal from her, and she was terrified of asking her to elaborate
"Go in Samantha. Anghel is waiting" Emese prompted gently. Taylor looked at Olivia's expressionless face, the other girl held the parcel containing her things quite tightly. She was not the object of this Izolare, yet she looked just as uncomfortable as Taylor felt. Even the girl knew something she didn't here, Taylor was sure
She stilled herself for the inevitable and walked towards the open door, Olivia closely at her heels.

It was times like this Taylor knew she'd always miss her best friend. If Carrie were here, she'd know what to say to lighten her mood, perhaps they'd both have a laugh at the bad fairytale she found herself in, call it the Fake Queen That Is About To Die or something.

She caught a last glimpse of Emese before the concrete door closed. It was one of the very few times her face showed emotion, this time she looked sad.

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