Chapter 29

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As I put my key in the door I can't quite believe the tour is over, five months of solid travelling, shows almost every night, interviews, photoshoots, appearances, pretending to laugh, pretending to smile, and two long months of pretending the women in my bed were someone else.

I know Liv had been on a couple of dates lately but she never gives me any more information and I give her the same courtesy, telling her the most basic of details in order to be completely honest but never delving into the who, what or where's like I used to.

It's been two months since I saw her, even longer since I saw my friends and Mum, and I was starting to get seriously homesick by the last two weeks in Asia.

My older sister Gemma had come on tour with me for a week while I was on the East Coast of Australia, she moved out there a couple of years ago with her husband for his work and leaving her again had only made me more desperate to come home.

It's only two weeks until Christmas and we had all decided do a Secret Santa lunch tomorrow at a restaurant down town. One night Liv, knowing how homesick I was, had gathered everyone around at our place to Skype me and we had come up with the idea as they drank wine and ate pizza and I sipped my coffee and ate breakfast. I had called around until I found out Xander had chosen Liv's name out of the hat and practically blackmailed him to switch with me.

"Liv!" I scream as I push the door open, laughing to myself at the thought of her dancing in her underwear last time I arrived home.

I drop my bags and hang my coat on the hook by the door before walking into the living room. My mouth flies open and I am genuinely shocked when I see my friends cheering and yelling "welcome home!"

Liv runs towards me the way I love the most and I bend my knees to catch her in my open arms, I close my eyes without thinking and hold her into my body.

"I hope you're not too wrecked. I wanted to surprise you so I moved our lunch to today and here." She says as she unwraps her arms and legs too quickly, aware of everyone in the room watching us.

"As long as you're not cooking, love, it's absolutely perfect"

She giggles and I throw my arm around her shoulder, moving towards my friends, so happy to be surrounded by them and back at home.


Will is opening another bottle of wine as Frankie tells us how well the label is doing.

"..and so last week we officially opened our new warehouse so we can stop sending orders our from our tiny office!" She pauses as everyone cheers.

"Thank you but I can't take any credit, Liv has been fucking killing it, honestly I don't know what I did before you!" Frankie exclaims looking at Liv and I laugh inwardly thinking I have no idea what I did either.

My arm is resting on the back of her chair as I discreetly play with the ends of her hair and she leans into me slightly and seemly, subconsciously. I look down at her talking with her hands describing the chaos of moving all their stock to their new facility and I smile thinking how relaxed and carefree she is with our friends.

She hates talking in front of a group or when more than a couple of people are looking at her at any one time but in front of her sister and our best friends she is completely herself.

I look around to find the others laughing and shouting things back at whatever story she is telling, making her laugh just as hard and I wish I could record it and show her how much everyone adores her.

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