Mission 14: Fooled

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Laurance's POV

I have to get her out of here.

My mind was racing as my hand hovered over the doorknob.

I pushed open the door with as much confidence as I could muster up.

"Laurance." The dark voice of my boss Aaron Lycan echoed through the small dark room.

"Sir. What do you plan to do with (Y/n)?" I know it isn't my place to be asking. I wasn't an elite yet, but she's far more important.

"I don't have to tell you anything, but since your the one that brought her to me." He paused and took a deep breath. "We don't know what we're doing yet the situation is complicated."

I looked down.

"Laurance do you have feelings for her?" My head shot up and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"I, I don't know. I guess that's complicated as well." The question shocked me, but the main thing that did was he asked about the way I felt. That never happens unless he needed my emotions for something.

"I have business to attend to on the 13th floor."

13th floor where all the Shadow Knights most secret information is kept and created. Very few people allowed up there. The elite crew and certain high-level guards but that's about it.

I bowed as he walked past me out the door. I watched him through the crack of the door get into the elevator.

I ran out the door and got in the elevator. I headed for the 26 floor where (Y/n) was being kept.

Once I got there the guard was on the floor, the chains were scattered and undone. I ran out the back door to find a trail of guards. Once I followed them I got to the elevator.

She can't get out of here alone. Great now to find what floor she's on. One down 30 to go.

Aaron's POV

We stared at each other intensely before I broke the silence.

"There's no way that you can be caught so easily having you here, we could end every single feud with the Divine ever. What do you really want miss Liao?"

(Y/n) Liao is ranked one of the best The Divine has. My best have come face to face with her and had been forced to run for there lives. She's Clyde Liao's daughter she's been trained her whole life to be a top-notch assassin. There's no way she gets 'caught' by Laurance and in-prisoned here. Not her.

"Want? Oh nothing really just some fun.~" Her smile turned wiled.

She got into a ready stance forcing me to do the same. She wanted a hand on hand fist combat no guns no weapons.

"It's been a long time coming. The Divine and the Shadow Knights duking it out?" She tilted her head in a questioning way.

"I just never expected it to be like this-" before I could continue the elevator doors opened. The brown haired idiot stumbled out and stared.

"(Y/n)!" His eyes gleamed with joy.

When I turned back to look at (Y/n) she wasn't there anymore.

"Ugh!" I looked in the direction of the elevator to see Laurance on the ground holding his stomach.

I ran to catch the elevator doors but they closed. That smirk before the doors closed plastered in my mind.

I waited till the elevator stopped at the 13th floor.

Dammit!! She's on the 13th floor. Shes after information. I think all the elite crew is out and the guards on that floor can't handle her. I have to get there fast.

Laurance got off the ground and looked where I was looking.

"The 13th floor." He muttered.

He pushed the elevator and the doors opened showing no elevator just a far drop down to the basement level.

She cut the cords on the elevator. She's smart. Trying to buy her self sometime. All I can do now is use the stairs and hope that someone's on the 13th floor to stop her...

??? POV

All this god damn paperwork had to get done by somebody. But why me! Damn Bates to hell! Rock Paper Scissors who the hell chooses that game to decide something this important.

I whistled to myself as I locked some files in a drawer. Ever since the Divine targeted us we've been sorting through personal information that they can use and locking it up.

Of course what agent has time to do paperwork! I mean I got this crazy redhead coming after me! She is pretty cute though.~ I think her name's Nicole?

I heard gunshots behind the huge black marble door.

That's just great.

As expected the door flew open and the guard's body's along with it.

I know there just guards, but their top notch and there was five of them! Who the hell...

My eyes widened as the (h/c) haired girl stood in the doorway.

I. Am. So. Screwed.

"(Y/n) Liao never did I think I would come face to face with you." I smiled as she mirrored it.

"Glad to know we're so well accounted already Salem.~ My friend Nicole had dibs on you, but I'll just repay her with your head."

So much hot and twisted in one package. Laurance can have her.

Before anything else was said I charged at her with a pocket knife.

I mean I was doing paperwork! Why would I have a gun!

She grabbed the wrist with the knife and pulled me forward moving quickly out of the way. I stumbled and regained my balance.

This is going to be an interesting fight...

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, these chapters are taking a lot of planning, and I'm trying to make them super amazing! Let's see how the fight goes with Salem in the next chapter.
Selena~Chan out!

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