Mission 17: Cherry Blossom Tree

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Your POV

Dear diary

People. Let's take a second to think about this messed up species. We're driving by a couple of things that we may never achieve in life. Money, power, and love. Without these things, the world wouldn't be the same and quite honestly a mess.

There would be no purpose in life nothing to work for. Now some people may achieve all these things, sometimes you only get one or two.

As a kid, you don't have anything, but love. Somehow you gain more things the older you get. And without them this world there would be nothing.

This world. It's amazing how there's something rather than nothing. I mean if there was nothing you wouldn't be here right now reading this.

Now that we've talked about people and this world. Let's talk about how out of all these people in this world I had the great honor of meeting Laurance Zvhal.

I would continue to go on about whatever I have been going on about, but I have to get to school....

Until next time (Y/n) Liao.

I closed my journal and threw it back into the chest by the coach I was writing on.

I heard the toaster pop and I ran to get my bagel. I packed my bag and was waiting by the door for Garroth's text.


My phone went of.

"We're here."


With that, I ran outside locking my door I jumped into the back of Garroth's car to be greeted.

"Morning (Y/n)!" Katelyn cheered gulping more coffee.


"Morning. Did you do the Geo homework?" Garroth asked with a worried expression.

"Why you didn't." He didn't respond. "Lazy ass."

"Hey! I was working late at the offices last night!"

"Fine give it to me. But I'm making a few mistakes. I mean people won't actually believe your as smart as I am." I smiled devilishly.

He growled but kept his mouth shut.

We reached the school just as I finished Garroth's homework. We had a debate about immigration. All you had to do was right three reason if you were four or against.

Luckily we were both assigned against.

We got out of the car and we all went to the lockers.

I could hear Katelyn yelling at Garroth about cheating on a test... of off her test.

I stayed out of it since I was trying to listen to other conversation.

From what I could hear people calmed down after what happened yesterday, but there was still some talk about it. When I say it I mean me and Laurance.

Speaking of the devil. It was about time I head to the cherry blossom tree. I'm not going to tell Garroth and Katelyn, they would strongly object to me going.

I thought I was going to have to come up with an excuse, but they still seemed too be distracted yelling at each other making a scene.

I went outside to are cherry blossom tree. Our school only had one on top of a hill closer to the back of the school. You were lucky to have a class where you could see the huge tree form the window.

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