Mission 44: Our Family

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Your POV

"87 bottles of beer on the wall! 87 bottles of beer! Take one down! Pass it around! 86 bottles of beer on the wall!" We all song rather loud and obnoxiously.

Dante had picked up a metal cup and was banging the beat on the cell bars. The rest of us were either clapping it or stomping it.

We tried looking for escape tunnels, trying to build something to contact Zoey, picking the lock. So far nothing has worked.

So now we do what we are best at. Annoy the shit out of everyone. There were ten guards in total. Gathered around the small cold room. Let me say that I take pride in how twisted with rage there faces are.

"84 bottles of beer on the wall! 84 bottles of-"

"Would you all SHUT THE HELL UP!" One of the guards finally lost it.

He was the only one with a silver x on his chest so I'm assuming that means he's in charge.

"Honest to god! When they told me 'all you have to do is watch them. It will be easy.' Boy were they wrong! I have never met such demons like you guys who chose to be so obnoxious!-"

He continued to rant about us but I stopped paying attention after he called us demons. I was clutching Katelyn's hand as we both bit are lips trying desperately not to burst out laughing.

There were practically tears running down everyone's face as we all snickered.

All at once we lost it. We all started scream laughing only causing the guards to get angrier, which caused us to laugh more. It was a never-ending cycle straight from hell.

Don't worry though I haven't forgotten about the rat. Escaping is a very high priority right now though. The last thing we need is Aaron coming in torturing information out of us.

"Listen to me brother. If you think this is bad, try living with us." Garroth laughs.

"Now that is hell." Aphmau wipes a tear away.

After the laughter comes down a bit people go back to private conversation and playing never have I ever.

"So what's the plan?" Katelyn says it loud enough for only me to hear.

"I've got a couple ideas. I think my best one, we're just going to have to wait a bit."

"Oh? What's the plan?"

"Well, we have to trust the people we left behind."

"You mean KC's rescue team? Oh! Can't forget about your lover boy." She smirks at the last part.

I roll my eyes in response. I look over to see Garroth leaning against the cell door talking to Travis.

I reluctantly remove my face from Katelyn's shoulder and walk over to Garroth. I place my hand on his shoulder catching his attention.

"Can I have a chat with you?" He nods and stands up.

We both go to the corner of the cell and sit down.

"What's up? Everything okay?"

I nod and take a deep breath in. "Garroth other then Nicole I've known you the longest. You're like my brother. At this current moment, I don't trust anyone else but you."

He gives me a cocky smile. "Aw shucks."

"Yeah yeah, get over yourself. I need you to do me a favor."


"The rat will most likely reveal themselves when we make our escape. If that happens I need you to knock them out at all costs."

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