Mission 25: Did You Miss Me?

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Your POV

"Y/N!!!" They all screamed.

I held the gun to Aaron's head. I would have pulled the trigger if Gene wasn't shoving his gun into my skull.

Everyone looked back at the monitor than me. On the monitor in front of Aaron I was still sitting in the chair unconscious.

"After I got out I put the video on repeat so you wouldn't alert the building and send more guards after me."

"B-but how did you get out! I thought of everything! It was completely (Y/n) proof!!" Aaron yelled in disbelief.

"You forgot to add in the factor that I can do things even I didn't know I could do." I glared down at him.

I would have ordered everyone to open fire on the three of them. But all the people that I cared about were in one room with a gun being pointed at them. I couldn't risk a fight here and loosing them on my call.

Looks like we're going with plan B.

"Aaron I planted a series of bombs all over the building enough to blow up everything and everyone in the building." I took out my phone and showed him a red button.

"Hah! Your bluffing! Look at the state your in you can barely stand let alone plant bombs everywhere!"

He was right my legs were shaking and everywhere hurt like hell.

Everyone else in the room scanned by body with horrified faces just realizing the state I was in. I was pretty much destroyed.

"You want to bet on that." I warned.

Aaron shut up and listened.

"I want you out of here know. And the war you so desperately wanted starts as soon as you get out of this building.

Just remember when your lying on the cold floor about to take your last breath and you look into these eyes, you brought this upon yourself." I hissed my eyes glowing with hate.

A couple seconds after staring at each other with pure hate he waved his hand and Gene and Salem put there guns away.

I put my down hesitantly and looked back and everyone else and signalled for them to put there guns away.

I wanted so desperately to kill him right here but I couldn't risk anyone in this room getting hurt.

He got out of his chair and without saying a word walked out of the room. A moment passed but it felt like a eternity before...

"Y/n!!! We were so worried!!"

"We missed you so much!"

"Don't ever make us worry like that again!"

They all threw there arms around me. I couldn't help but laugh.

After are warm embrace I turned to see Clyde with a stern face.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting old m-"

I was cut of in surprise. Clyde almost knocked me over hugging me.

"I was so worried." He murmured just loud enough for me to hear.

I hesitated before wrapping my arms around him. I rested my head on his shoulder.

Clyde was really good at keeping his composure so it may seem like he wasn't worried, but deep down he still was my father. Adopted or not.

"I'm sorry... Dad." I whispered just for Clyde to hear.

He let me go and turned to see everyone else smiling like idiots.

I growled and attempted to walk past them. I failed miserably as I nearly fell. Garroth and Travis caught me.

Garroth picked me up bridal style.

"Alright to the infirmary we go princess."

"Hey! Put me down! I can walk just fine!!" I protested.

"Uh huh."

"Don't you 'uh huh' me!!"

Everyone laughed as I was dragged from the room to the medical wing.

The nurse didn't take long to check me out and bandage me up. She gave me pills for me head and said I should take it easy for a week.

I had asked Garroth to get everyone in the room I was pulled in.

Everyone arrived with questioning looks on there face.

"How long does it take to get form here to the Shadow Knight headquarters?" I asked the group huddled around my medical bed.

"About 25 minutes why?" Aphmau answered.

"I planted bombs everywhere I'm going to set them off."

"So you weren't bluffing?" Dante tilted his head with a smirk.

"You can't set that off. The moment you do the war will start." Clyde gave me a stern look.

"The war already started. It's to late for peace now."

Everyone went silent.

"Everyone that wants the bomb set of say aye." Katelyn broke the silence.

"Aye!!" It seemed like everyone said it.

"Clyde?" Katelyn turned to him who seemed to be the only one that didn't.

"Aye." He finally said.

"Someone get me a view of the camera we hacked a while ago from across the street."

Zoey didn't take long to bring the live video up on her computer and hand it to me.

A car was pulling up and Aaron, Gene and Salem got out.

"You going to wait till they get in?" Dante asked.

"No. They deserve to be killed by are hands. A death like this is to nice for them." I answered glaring at them walking closer to the building.

"What if Laurance is in there?" Nicole asked.

I was silent. They reached a good distance to the building enough for me to hurt them but not kill them.

"Let's light it up." I smiled evilly.

With one push of the red button on my phone the building exploded.

Aaron and the rest of them were thrown back on to the payment. Aaron looked at the destroyed building with the most angered face I had ever seen.

With that I closed the laptop and handed it back to Zoey.

"Well done Ms. Liao." Clyde smiled he continued.

"I was going to wait for everything to calm down, but it appears this war is moving faster than I thought. For all of your safety I have decided it would be best for you all to live together until this is over."


"That doesn't make sense sir! If all of us are under the same roof we would be easier to eliminate!" Zoey argued.

"If you all are separated and alone it will be a lot easier to kill you. If your all together you have a better chance of fighting as a team. You can watch each other's backs. Also we don't have enough high tech defensive gear to spread among all of you. If your under one rough it will be all the best gear we have in one place."

"Come on guys it will be like when we were young and would have sleepovers at each others places every week!" Dante cheered.

"It will be like a fun family vacation... for several months!"

"You just described hell Aphmau." I groaned.

Clyde cleared his throat. "Starting tomorrow you will all be living at (Y/n)'s house until further notice."

Oh dear!! Everyone under one roof this is going to be fun!! What happened to Laurance when the bomb went off i-is he d-dead?!?!! Guess will have to wait and find out!
Till next time Selena~Chan out!

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