Mission 18: Sinking

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Your POV

Dear diary

Things with me and Laurance keep getting more and more strange. We talk on the phone a lot these days and sometimes will eat together in the cafeteria. My feelings are... mixed/chaotic.

A week has passed since Clyde offered me the underwater base job and I'm leaving for it today.

I guess I'll write with good news when I get back.

Until next time (Y/n)~

I finished packing a bag full of weapons and underwater gear. I was dressed in a skin-tight waterproof and bulletproof full body suit.

Wow, that was a mouth full.

I loaded my Lexis and was off. We had a huge forested region in Phoenix Drop and in the said region there are lots of small lakes. I had a GPS leading me to one of those where the base is.

I got to the end of the road and ahead of me was a huge forest. Since winter didn't last that long here it wasn't freezing but it definitely wasn't warm.

As I got deeper into the forest the red dot on the GPS got closer. Until I finally reached a decent sized lake I was practically on top of the dot.

I looked down and could see something in the lake. Some lights were shining through as well.

I took out a small tank more like a bag of air. I probably only had around two breaths of air that had to last me to the bottom.

The plan was to wander around until I got caught. This wasn't just an assassination mission. I was also supposed to collect information about who these people really are.

They were caught more than once meeting with members of the Shadow Knights. There was something fishy going on.

"Here we go!"

I clipped my bag onto my back and loaded the guns I had on my belt and dived in.

Once you were under water it was a lot bigger than it seemed. The building looked old like it had been here before our time.

I felt my lungs running out of air so I took the first breath out of the small bag of air.

As I got closer I spotted a door with a giant circle crank.

It was a strange feeling being under the water for so long. My vision was a bit blurry and my body felt weird. A lot lighter.

I felt pain in my chest and decided to use the last breath I had.

I reached the door running low on air. I pulled the giant metal circle keeping me from breathing.

I pulled and it slowly started to move. Another thing about being underwater is it felt like everything was in slow motion.

I pulled again and felt myself running out of air.

My lungs started to burn. I twisted and twisted until the door finally opened. It was a huge heavy metal door so I had to use all my remaining strength to pull it open.

Once I got inside the room was dark and still filled with water. I had to find the lever to get rid of the water.

I swam to the other side of the room and felt the wall with my hands. I found something that felt like a lever.

Let's give this is a try and hope it does what I want...

I pulled it down and heard a huge bang.

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