Mission 28: Too Close

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Katelyn's POV

Laurance being here was interesting. I really didn't know what to think of him. (Y/n) tried to reassure me that he wasn't what he appeared to be.

To me though he was still just another Shadow Knight.

Everyone was having small talk in the kitchen. Aphmau, Zoey, and Nicole had missions so it was just me (Y/n) and the guys.

We were eating breakfast and of course, Laurance was a no-show. He stayed in his room most the time. It's only been two days but still, I didn't think he would ever warm up. I mean it's not his fault the Shadow Knights aren't really that much of a family.

"Katelyn pass the bananas please!" Garroths voice broke me from my thoughts.

"I was thinking!!" I screamed wiping the bananas at his head.

"We all know Katelyn thinking is a danger to her and the people around her." (Y/n) commented with a mouth full of food.

Laughing was heard from the kitchen entrance.

We turned to see Laurance walking are way laughing.

"Never quite around here hm." He said opening the fridge.

He grabbed a yogurt.

Laurance walked over to Dante and Garroth who was in the living room next door playing some video game.

I saw (Y/n) get up from the bar stool she was sitting on and peek her head around the corner to listen. I got up and did the same.

"Jesus $@&%}^{*!!!" Dante screamed at the tv.


"No no you have to go around the building there are too many armed people at the front." I was surprised that Laurance spoke up.

Dante and Garroth gave each other a look and listened to Laurance's advice.

"Level cleared!" The tv burst out.

Dante and Garroth celebrated by doing some weird handshake.

"How did you do that!!" Garroth turned to Laurance.

"I love the 'war' series. I figured out a couple tricks after playing myself."

"Grab a controller pal!" Laurance seemed to ponder on Dante's request until he grabbed a controller and sat down.

Well, maybe I should try giving Laurance a chance. When he didn't want to be around us he wasn't, but when he was... he was always polite and friendly.

A chance yeah I'll give him chance. I mean he could be (Y/n)'s next boyfriend. She would kill me if she heard me say that.

Your POV

I yawned and stretched out my arms.

"I think I'm calling it a night." I looked over at Katelyn and Garroth. They were both sound asleep.

Katelyn was curled up in a ball.

She looks really cute and peaceful. Wow never thought I would ever describe Katelyn as cute and peaceful.

Garroth was half on the couch half falling off it.

After school today we were exhausted and just needed a movie marathon.

I got off the basement couch and started heading to my room.

I walked past the kitchen and for some reason Laurance came to mind.

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