Scared and Determined

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As I watched Jungkook get knocked down with a vase. I got scared. No one in this group knows who I truly am. So as the guy came towards me. I didn't have a choice. I held back. I couldn't reveal what I could truly do or I might scare the other members and my best friend.

I fought to where it looked like I was trying my hardest. Even though I truly wasn't. As I looked around I wanted to cry. All of this? Caused by me? How mean can she be? I swear!

Eventually i acted like I got knocked out while the rest actually got knocked out. I'm going to get out when I can. I'm only afraid of my boyfriend coming after me. Which he most likely will. But I know how he feels.

Because for me Jungkook is my heart, my soul, my other half, my entire world, my everything. I love him so much it hurts. But did I do the right thing by letting this happen? I don't know. But I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I continued to pretend to be unconscious until we got to the place. The place where we held the concert when Jungkook confessed to me. I don't care what happens. This will still be one of my favorite places and I will still love that moment.

As I'm tied to the chair. I force out a groan and slightly open my eyes. We're on the stage. What the heck? Ok, I look to my left there's Yoongi. Then to my right there's Breigh. Why would they need them? I'm the only one they were truly after.

I watch as the person behind it all walks on to the stage. It's taking everything in me to not release my full strength. Not yet anyway. When she walks up. It's exactly who I thought it was.

"Hello Kim Rae-Won. Or should I say...

...Baby sister?"

"Well hello big brother. I see you haven't changed. Still weak and stupid." Yes I have a little sister who's a complete psychopath. She hates me. Though I don't really know why.

I loved her as a baby. But one day she tried to cut me. She succeeded in cutting my collar bone. Though she was aiming for my throat. I have a scar on my collar bone to remind me of the incident.

"You took him Big Brother. Now you're going to pay." I heard a growl coming from my right and saw Breigh.

The sound didn't sound human. I didn't question it. I only shook slightly from fear.

" you touch my best friend. You're dead." Breigh threatened with a growl and dark voice.

I heard a deep sigh from my left. I looked over to see Yoongi looking pretty scary as well. Great. I'm over here holding back and they're not afraid to let their scary side out. Maybe I should too? Mmm. Maybe.

My sister kind of just laughed. Making Breigh struggle like crazy from frustration.

"When I get up from this chair. I'm going to let Breigh and Tae out and you're going to regret it and face the pain from all 3 of us you little brat. That's a promise." He sounded so calm. But his voice was chilling.

As they were acting threatening. I formed a plan. All of us looked up revenge quotes out of pure boredom and fun. Each of us memorized at least one. If we can stay calm and frustrate her instead. We can make her infuriated with a smile and silence. Then it'll screw with her brain. You can never think straight while mad.

I looked to Yoongi. He looked back. I raised my eyebrows then smiled sickeningly sweet. He got the message and nodded. Then I did the same to Breigh. She too, understood.

Me first.

"Never mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me." My voice was even and smiled at her. She looked confused. But shook it off and glared.

"What was that? Oh well." She shrugged and went closer.

I knew what was going to happen. I know my sister. If we can stick to the plan. We might get out and be able to beat her.

She walked up to me taking a knife. She slashed the skin across my arm. My face immediately went blank. It hurt like hell. But I couldn't show it. For her to be able to have the confidence and satisfaction to continue. She needs to have some sort of reaction. When you give her none. Well, let's just say she can't think straight.

Breighs turn.

" Sweet as sugar, hard as ice. Hurt me once, I'll kill you twice." She smiled at her showing off the 2 dimples she had on her left cheek.

Rae-Won looked confused. But came near Breigh and sliced her stomach. Breigh showed no reaction. But because I knew her. I caught a glimpse of her eyes and I saw the pain. But also the determination to not show that pain.

Yoongi's turn.

" If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get back up." For Suga he didn't smile. He just kept a blank face.

Rae-Won walked up and sliced his collar bone. Once more, there no reaction.

"What the hell is going on?" She hissed in frustration.

This is good. She's starting to break. Should I do it now? Nah. Maybe I can infuriate her more.

"Why do you hate me Rae-Won?" I questioned. She snapped her head towards me.

"Because you are dating MY boyfriend!" She shouted. I only smiled.

Come on lil sis. Just a little closer.

"You mean Jungkook. MY amazing boyfriend." I cooed.

She ran at me with the knife. As soon as the knife went somewhat near my back. I grabbed it and even though the blades were digging into my palm. I continued to hold it and maneuver it so that it sliced the rope tying my hands together.

Once they were free I smirked. She looked unaffected. I kept the knife in my hand. As soon as the blade touched her. She jumped back.

I'm honestly glad it was my sister who took me. She's only 16. The only strength she has are her 5 henchmen.

I took the knife quickly slicing the rope tying my ankles then ran to Yoongi and sliced the ropes. Then to Breigh and did the same thing.

"Those quotes meant something. I hope you remember them. Because we WILL fulfill them. " I growled.

She looked horrified by the knife. I looked. Didn't realize it was still digging into my palm. I threw it as far as I could. Which was pretty far.

I ran straight to one guy and swiftly punched him. That's when it went kind of blurry. All I remember is beating the crap out of everyone who came near me.

But I just so happen to look over and couldn't believe who I saw....

...Jungkook, Jimin, Jhope, Rap Mon and Jin.

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