Chapter 2: Meeting a Creep

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Ring!! Ring!!! I get up from my bed. "Oh my gosh, who is calling me? Ugh, I was sleeping." I say sleepily. I look at the clock, 1:00 pm. Whoops. I guess I slept too much. Well, I am a Youtuber.  So, I can wake up when I want. Ring! Ring! "Okay, okay!" I say frustrated. I pick up the phone not looking at who was calling.

"Hi! Babe, I've been trying to call you forever. I'm so sorry. Please meet me. I miss you a lot. Please, we should get back together. Forgive me." Mark says anxiously.

"We have been together for four years Mark. I don't even know how you could kiss that girl. Even if you were drunk. That just breaks my trust Mark. I cannot give you another chance. It's over. Bye." I reply back sternly.

"I'm sorry! Please don't leave me. You're the love of my life." He says.

"Was. Was the love of your life." I reply.

"No please do-" He manages to say before I hanged up the phone. I burst into tears. 

 Why? Why is this happening to me? I just can't believe it. Wiping my tears, I go downstairs to make breakfast. I pour myself a glass of milk and place a piece of bread in the toaster. I waite for the bread to pop out. I spread butter on it and gulp down my glass of milk. Everything felt so different without Mark. I didn't know how I would ever get over him. But I had to. I open the big bay windows in my kitchen. A beautiful sunny day. It's a new day and a new beginning. Be happy. I smile. I pull out my phone and took a look at my schedule. Okay, I have to film a video for my YouTube channel. I need an idea. Its already Thursday and I have to upload this Sunday!  

 I go on youtube and take a look at the comments on one of my videos. "Do a collab video!" "Do a video with your boyfriend!" I sighed. I guess I have to tell them about our breakup. But maybe I could do a collab with Ricky and the other members of his channel! I call Ricky.

"Hey, whats up Sam?" He says.

"Hey. I was actually wondering if you wanted to make a collab. I just needed a video for my youtube channel and I thought it would be fun if we could do a collab." I say with hope.

"Of course! How about we film today and we can discuss the car?" He replies nicely.

"Oh, thanks! Of course! Okay, well see you later!" I say happy.

"Bye!" He replies. I hang up the phone. I read the clock, 1:45 pm. Well, I guess I should grab a quick shower and just check out some more YouTube videos. 2 hours later, it's time to go. 

I rang the doorbell. It was the same dude, Connor. "Hi. You must be-" He says before he stops talking and has his hand held out for a handshake. He stares into my eyes. This is awkward... I shake his hand and then he seems to snap back from his senses. "Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking about something." He said blushing. "Oh um.. Okay." I say looking at my feet shyly. "I'm Connor. Come on in, Rickys waiting for you." He says with a sweet smile. "Oh, okay. I'm Samantha. " I say. 

I walk inside. Ricky comes down the stairs and a dog comes running toward my feet. He starts to lick my feet. "Oh, so sweet." I say calmly. In my mind, I am thinking OH MY GOD, SO CUTE!!!!!!! I kneel down and pet him.

"His names Wishbone." Ricky says.

"Thats a cute name." I smile..

"So, do you want to go film?" Ricky exclaims.

"Sure. We haven't even come up with an idea yet though!" I say.

"Oh yeah... How about the theme song challenge?" He suggestes.

"Oh that's a good one. Lets film that." I turn around to say I would see Connor later. He's already staring at me though. Creepy much? I just shrug it off and go with Ricky to their filming area.  We film for about 2 hours. We also make a video for Ricky's channel. Then, we talk about the car and I have to go. 

Ricky walks me to the door. "That was nice. Actually, my roommates and a couple of more friends are going out to eat tomorrow. Do you want to tag along?" He says.

"Oh, of course! What time?" I say. Its not like I have anything better to do besides cry in my room about Mark.

"We're going out to eat in the evening. 6:00 pm would be nice." He replie.s

"Oh, okay. Great. Well see you." I smile and go out the door.

I just hope that creepy dude Connor doesn't show up. 


Sorry that was a bit short! I just thought that would be a nice ending to the next chapter. Leave a comment with feedback or if you even like it... Thanks!

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