Chapter 10: The future is my choice

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Have you ever had a feeling that you might be taking your last breaths? You feel like death is coming right for you. It never happened to me until these past months. Trust me, its the weirdest feeling ever and  by all means, one of the scariest. 

"Get out of the car, and go inside the police station. Tell them what we told you to. And dont even try anything. We know our way out of jail. We will hurt you." The man says. I look at him with utter disgust. Mark is now a piece of trash to me. I dont even consider him a human. He is worthless and doesnt deserve his life. I get out of the car and slam the door closed. Tears escape my eyes as I am frightened out of my mind.

Whenever these situations happen in movies, the victim will stay quiet. There is always a happy ending, but this is real life. It's possible I might die today. If I think practically about this, I am going into a police station. How could there be a better way to arrest those two men and save myself from death? Of course, there is the possibility that they can "hurt me". But if I think about it, when I told the police about Mark.... Things got better. I drag my feet as I walk inside and open the door. I clear my throat and walk up to the front desk with the lady seated. I'm going to do it, and I have to be calm.

I spit the words out of my mouth. "Two men are outside in the Black Toyota Civic.They told me to come inside and state that I tried to frame my ex-boyfriend who is now in jail because he physically abused me. They say they will kill me if I tell the police. I dont know what to do." The woman gasps but tries to stay calm. She has worry in her eyes.

"Okay. We are going to send backup around the back of the police station, and they will arrest them. To make sure they can not try anything, we will pretend that we are taking you to jail to get your ex-boyfriend out."

I let out a little bit of relief considering there is a plan. I make my way out with a police officer eventually who is in on the plan.

"So you tried to frame Mark?" He says loudly to make sure the men hear in the car.


"We're going to get Mark out of the police station. You tried to frame him. So, you will have to go to jail as well."

I slowly meet their eyes. They look like they are satisfied with what they have done. I see a smirk on one of their mouths.

"I understand officer." I grit my teeth together.

We get into the police car.

"Backup is hiding and making its way to the car. Dont worry, you are in safe hands."

After about ten minutes, the police already has the two men arrested. Its my turn to smirk. Who knew I could ever be this brave? One of the police members drops me off at home, because I am still a bit startled. After a while, I reach home.

The first thought that comes to my mind is Connor. I smile and call his number. He picks up. 

"I'm ready for that date." I say with a sweet tone. I hear a little chuckle.

"Me too. Finally. Our first date. I missed you so much. Do you think we could just have it today? I want to see you so badly!"

"Of course! I have quite the story to tell. But I dont want to freak you out too much. So, I am going to tell you at our date." I hope he doesnt worry too much. 

"Wait, what happened? No. Sam, you have to tell me! I can't wait that long. No." He says in a panic and then stops to take a breath.

"Okay, we'll meet up in two hours to go to a restaurant. You can wait two hours right?" It should give me enough time to do my makeup and whatnot. To think, I'm ready to go on a date after what just happened to me. I'm changing day by day. Its not a bad change though.

"Fine." He sounds a bit upset.



"Are you upset at me?" I make a puppy dog face, even though he cant see it.

"I just dont see why you cant tell me. You cant see me right now, but I'm worried sick. Who knows what happened to you? It could be serious and because of stupid Mark." 

"Connor, please don't get mad. Ye-Yes. It was because of Mark. I don't want to scare you too much. It's better to tell you in person."

"What! Mark is behind this? I can't take the waiting anymore though. I don't want to wait 2 hours. I haven't seen you for a week, but it feels like a year. I really need to see you Sam. I'm worried for you."

"But Co-"

"No, Sam! I'm coming to pick you up right now. I know I'm being dramatic and all, but I'm worried for your safety."

"But I'm not even ready, how can we go on our date?"

"Just put an outfit on, and you'll be right out of the door."

"I still got to put my makeup on!" I say a little annoyed.

"You don't need makeup. I don't care about your face. All I want to do is have fun with you on our first date. You don't need to hide your beautiful face. I would love it if you didn't wear your makeup." 

His words touch my heart. 

"Thats a little cheesy. Don't you think?" I joke with him.

"Sorry, I am a little cheesy." I can imagine him blushing and his cheeks turning into a tomato.

"Thanks, Connor. That was really sweet."

"Well, I'm on my way. I'll be there in 20 minutes. See you Sam."

"Bye, Connor." 

I hang up the phone and throw open my messy closet to pick out the perfect outfit. I go with a simple, casual red dress with some black wedges. Next, I straighten my hair. I just apply a hint of lip-gloss. I look at my face in the mirror. Connors right. I don't need makeup. My face doesn't have to look flawless. It can just look... normal. The doorbell rings and I quickly pace my way down the stairs. I can't wait. Connors already here. I open the door.

"Hey." His voice just gives me goosebumps and sends electricity through my body. My heart flutters, and I throw my arms around him to give him a hug. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you Connor."

"Me too Sam. I missed you a lot." 

I pull my head off his shoulder and look him in the eye. He stares right back at me. 

All of a sudden, he sweeps me off my feet and puts me in his arms. I laugh and am a little bit shocked. 

"Wow. Someone is trying to make a good impression tonight." I chuckle.

"Hey, it'd be easier if you weren't so heavy." 

I giggle back as a response. 

"Just so you know, you look beautiful without makeup."

"Thank you so much, Connor."

"I didnt say much, it was just a compliment." He sweetly responds.

"No. Its a thank you for everything else you've done." He smiles at me and I smile back. And for a moment, I like to believe everything is perfect. I treasure the moment, and don't think about the past. Nor the future. The present is mine and its my decision on how to make the future.


I think that was my longest chapter yet :)

Finally, they get to go on their first date! Haha. And yeah.... Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) 

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