Chapter 14: It was official for about 3 hours

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"I don't even have my camera, Connor."

"Oh. Whoops. You can go grab it from your home, and come back."

"Okay. Be right back." He lets go of me, and I leave the home. I walk downstairs and hear someone crying softly.  I look around to find out where the noise is coming from. It appears to be from the kitchen. I make my way to the kitchen. 

"Kian?" I say surprised. Kian is sitting on the ground with his head in his arms. Kian wipes his tears quickly and sniffles.

"Yeah?" He says so quietly, I have to strain to hear. I take a seat beside him.

"Kian. I know what you're going through. It may feel like the end of the world. But trust me, its not. How long have you been in a relationship with Andrea?"

"About a year and like 3 months." 

"Oh. I dated Mark for 4 years." I let out a sigh. He gives me a look of sympathy.

"Yeah. But you have someone to help you get over it. Connor." He says frustrated.

"I know. But you have your friends and family. Connor, Jc, and Ricky are there for you." 

"I guess. They are helping me get over it." 

"Thanks Samantha. Connors lucky to have you." I smile.

"No problem. Actually, I'm lucky to have him. Don't worry. Some day, you'll have another person. There's 7 billion people in the world, and one out there for you."

"Yeah. Thanks again." I get up.

"Well, I'll see you Kian. I have to get my camera from my home."

"Okay. See you." 

After a while, I am back at Connors home. I knock on the door. Connor opens it this time. He gives me a bright smile. 

"I am so happy. Kian is looking so much better!"

"Aw, really? That's wonderful."

"Yeah. He said you talked to him."

"I did."

"You know, Sam. You're one of a kind." He gives me a kiss on the cheek. I blush.

"You too." I kiss his cheek back.

"Well, lets get filming." We head up and compile a list of questions for filming. We end up noticing we don't know a lot about each other during filming.

"I barely know anything about you."

"Well, I'll tell you more about myself." We talk for about two hours. Connor tells me about how he loves swimming, and his high school experience. At one point, he farts and I'm not gonna lie. It smells like an animal died in here. He seems really embarrassed about it. So, I just giggle and shrug it off. 

I say bye to Connor and leave. I notice Kian sitting on the porch when I make my way outside.

"Sam. I need to tell you something." What could he possibly want to tell me? 

"Oh. What?" He looks into my eyes really deeply. Without hesitation, he pulls me close and kisses me. 

"Does that say it for you?" I gasp and push him away.

"Kian! Just because I gave you a little advice and whatnot doesn't mean I like you." I say bitterly.

"But Sam-"

I cut him off. "The nerve of you! I cant believe it. You were so sad that Andrea broke up with you, and now you're supporting cheating! I'm dating Connor, dont you understand?" I am so heated. Words cannot express how angry I am. I supported and tried to help Kian, and he's taking advantage of that. My anger turns to sadness, and a tear escapes my eye. 

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