Chapter 16: Sweet Connor doesn't look so Sweet anymore

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"So, what are you going to do about Kian?"

"I don't know. I hope he's just acting like this because of Andrea." Connor deeply sighs.

"Maybe." I want to tell him the truth badly but at the same time, I know he'll be really hurt if I do.

"At least, you're here with me." He gives my hand a little squeeze and I try to shake off my guilt.

"Are you okay, Sam? You've been acting a bit weird."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." I put on my brightest smile but inside I'm really hurting. Kian liked me from the start.

"Sam. You know you can tell me anything right?" He gives me an adorable look.

"Y-yeah. It's nothing." I lie.

"Okay." He looks at me worried. Ring, Ring! Connor pulls out his phone.

He takes one look at his phone and says "It's Kian." I try to stop him from picking up its phone but he immediately does.

"Kian? I really need to talk to you about.....what happened."

"You don't like Sam?" Connor smiles. Kian's lying. Can you believe this? I think I need to tell Connor the truth.

"It was just because of Andrea?" Connor looks so much better now. How can I take away that happy smile? I don't want to do that.

"Okay. Bye." Connor hangs up his phone and gives me a sweet smile. He throws his hands around me in a hug. My heart drops. Why I am doing this? I need to tell him.

"I think everything is going to be okay now, Sam."


"Where's Kian?"

"He's on his way, Sam." Well, that's just great.

"Connor-" The doorbell rings.

"One sec, I'll get it, Sam." Connor leaves the room and I sigh.

I just worked up the courage to tell him, and now Kian is back. Gosh, I hope he doesn't try anything again. I feel really bad.

Connor comes back after a couple minutes.

"Were you going to tell me something, Sam?"

"Um, no."


"I need to go to the washroom. I'll be back."

"Okay, it's across the hall."

I head toward the washroom and quickly open the door. I gently lock the door and let the tears fall that I was holding back. Why does this always happen to me? I have no idea what to do. I wipe my tears and unlock the door. And of course to my misfortune, there stands Kian.

"Sam? Why are you crying?" Kian says.

"Go away Kian. You lied to Connor."

"What else am I supposed to do?"

"Just leave me alone Kian." I turn around to go back to Connors room but Kian pulls me towards him.

"What are you doing?" I growl at him. He places his finger delicately on my lips and brushes it.

"I love you Sam." I shudder in disgust. I try to squirm out of his arms but he holds me close.

"Kian. Stop."

"I can do whatever I want Sam. You won't tell Connor either way. Because you don't want to hurt him more."

"How do you know?" I whisper.

"I know everything Sam." He pulls me into his room.

"Let go of me! Why are you doing this?"

"Because I love you."

"No you don't."

He backs me up against a wall and brings his face close to mine, and kisses me again. He places his hand over my cheeks and I close my eyes. I can't look at this.

"KIAN!" That voice. I open my eyes. Connor.

"What the hell are you doing?" Connor screams. Kian finally lets go of me.

"What does it look like? I love her Connor." At that sentence, Connors hands clench into fists. His dreamy green eyes turn into black pits.

He doesn't look like sweet Connor anymore.


Suspense, activate! Muahahahhahaha. Sowwy?

Sorry that was a bit of a smaller chapter than usual... If I need it to be 20 chapters, its going to be this short for each chapter probably. Plus, I feel like people don't want to read such big chapters for a fan-fic.

Just 4 chapters left. :)

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