Chapter 7: The Other Side of me

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"But Connor you didn't need to beat up Mark." I say and pull myself away from him. I wish I could have that hug for just another second.

"Yes. I did. " He looks at me seriously.

"Connor. I know that Mark hurt me but he's going to jail! You didnt have to do that for me. What if you seriously hurt Mark and went to jail for a long time?"

"Well that didnt happen. So, its okay." He gives me a warm smile.

"Okay." I smile back.

"Now, can I get another hug? Just another minute?" Wow. This guy is like the other symmetrical side of me.

"My thoughts exactly." I chuckle and give him a hug.

After a minute, we let go and decide to head to Connors house. We reach soon and enter through the door.

"Hey Sam. What are you doing here?" Ricky says.

"Well.." I blush a little and look at Connor.

Connor shyly explains that we like each other and everything that happened.

"I knew it! I could tell the way you were looking at her!" We laugh a little. I turn to look at Connor. Gosh, his smile. Its so cute.

"So, I'll leave you guys alone." Ricky winks to Connor and left.

Connor blushes a little. Is that for me? I softly giggle a little.

"What?" Connor says.

"Oh nothing. So, what do you want to do now?" I say trying to change the subject.

"I guess we could head up to my room and hang out."

We run up the stairs to Connors room.

"This is my room!" Connor says as he opens the door.

"I like it!" I smile. I notice the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Its a little messy, I know." He clears the pile of clothes out of sight by shoving it under his bed.

"Dont worry, my rooms always a mess. I'm not very neat."

"Oh, thats cool. I guess thats something we have in common."

"Yeah." I plop on the bed.

I'm not sure what to say now. So, i just stare at the floor awkwardly and wait for him to say something. Hes not saying anything. It seems like he doesnt know what to say either. I would look at him but what if he catches me? So what? We already know that we like each other. Oh well. I guess its up to me to end this awkward silence.

"So um.. Uh.. Yeah, what should we talk about?" I say and look up. Then, I mentally slap myself. Way to go, very subtle. Who says, "what should we talk about?"

"Oh sorry, I was just reading an email. What were you saying?"

YES! Time to make up for the stupid thing that I just said. Wait, what do I say? Think. Think.

"Oh um. I said do you like food?" Way to go. This is what happens when I panic. I mentally give myself another slap. Great. Thats even worse then what I originally said.

"You seem nervous Sam."

"Yeah, I am." So sweet, he recognizes my feelings. What a great guy, honestly. Well I dont know him very well, but he just seems like "the one" for me. I dont know why. He just does.

"Well dont be. I like you for who you are Sam." His words touch my heart. A guy that likes me for who I am. Mark just wasnt one of those people. How did I never notice Mark has so many flaws? Honestly, I dont know why I thought he was the love of my life.

"I'm glad I broke up with Mark. Otherwise I wouldnt have met you."

Connors fists tighten at the mention of Marks name. His eyes are dark again.

"Connor?" I say a little scared.

"Yeah?" He relaxes and snaps out of whatever got into him.


"I'm glad I met you too Sam." He smiles.

"So, where are we going on our first date?" He chuckles and looks at me with those dreamy eyes. Oh. His eyes. They're so..perfect. I dont know why but I always get lost in them. I just could stare at them for hours.


"Oh sorry." It must have looked like I was staring at him. Gosh. I need to stop getting lost in his eyes.

"Were you staring at me Sam?"

"Umm no." I lie and blush a little.

"Yeah, you were!" He laughs. I laugh along. Even his laugh's cute. God. I need to stop being such a girl and calling everything he does cute.

"I dont know, where do you want to go?"

"Well, what did you do on your first date with Mark?"

Mark. My face is in disgust as I realize I dated that dog.

"Are you okay Sam?"

"Yeah. Just Mark. I cant believe I ever dated him."

Connor gives me a puppy face. He looks so worried and clueless.

"Its okay Connor. Lets not talk about him." I say trying to hold back the tears that are accumalating in my eyes.

"Sam. Dont cry." It takes just those two words for my eyes to become a fountain of tears.

"Sam. Please dont. I dont like seeing you like this."

"Connor. I dont know what to do. Mark hurting me was one of the worst experiences of my life. Hes the worst person I've ever dated."

"Its okay Sam. You'll forget about it with time."

"I hope so." I manage to say with my dry throat and wipe my tears away.

"To answer your question, I went bowling with Mark."

"Well, then lets do something other than bowling to get your mind off of him. Plus I hate bowling."

"Me too! I just went because Mark likes it."

"Do you want to go to a restaurant?"

"I'd love that. How about tommorow at 7:00 pm?"

"That sounds great."

"Well Connor. I have to get going. I'll see you tommorow."

Connor gives a sad look and then joins me to walk me out the door.

"Bye Sam. I cant wait to see you tommorow."

"Me too."



"Just know that I really like you."

"Me too."

Wait..Should I..? Maybe.

I lean in and give him a quick peck on the cheek. He blushes.

"Bye Sam." He sweetly smiles.

"Bye Connor!"

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